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First time floating elk meat


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2018
Western Montana
We have been planning this hunt since we drew cow tags for this unit. After a short float we had a couple hour hike to camp. We got the tent set up and had planned to gear up and head to our glassing spot when Mr. spotted a group of cows feeding on a small finger 300 yards from camp. He crawled out, got set up and made a near perfect shot at 300 yards. He put another one in her for good measure and she went head over tail and died quickly. She was positioned a little precariously and we decided to get her down to the two track below us. Big mistake. She ended up sliding and Mr. got caught up trying to get out of her way. He went slipping and sliding uncontrollably over the drop off to the road, slid down, smacked his head on a tree and ended up on his feet somehow. I did see his hat go flying at one point. 🤣 It was scary watching him go like that. Glad the elk didn't follow and smoosh him. It ended up fine, could have been worse. The weather mostly held for the butchering. We hung all the meat and hiked back up to camp. It rained/snowed ALL night but was gorgeous when we woke up. With the elk and camp we had about 5 hours of shuttling to do, luckily it was all down hill to the river. Fresh tenderloin stroganoff tonight with morels. Worth it!

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That is awesome! Grats! Who gets the fine hide covered seat? :) Glad all's well with Mr. Uncontrollable slides are never the thrill sought.
Heh, not intended that way. Though sounds like a nic my wife might label me.

Sheesh... My phone is changing words faster than I can edit. Haha!
That is some skinny water for a full on float out, and an A-May-Zing plate of food.

Congratulations, and here’s to many more delicious meals!

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