Statewide shed hunting season

In Yellowstone they hack up antlers that are near access point so people won't take them out of the park.
I understand that there may be some areas that it's best not to have shed hunters out in areas where the game is in a more fragile state from a tough Winter. I would support shed hunting closures for this reason, based on factual research done that indicates the necessity for this.
I also know there are a whole lot of areas where this is not the case though. Where I live, the Deer & Elk are fine, and not Winter stressed. There are shed hunters that are out looking, as they want to make a buck or two on their finds. However there's people like me that just like to get out and get some outdoorsy exercise, appreciate the backcountry, and then the bonus of finding a shed.
I'm not sure a plan to put a season on shed hunting is all that well thought out. Other's here have already addressed some valid concerns. If you can't pick up a shed, but can be out hiking, what's to stop people from just remembering where that shed is, or even logging it into their GPS?
I would think CPW would also put a value on people wanting to recreate in the lands the public owns, and realize they work for us, not vice versa.
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