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Recent decline in deer populations.


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2019
South Texas
I just read an article on how the deer populations in the U.S. are on a general decline, particularly in the west. I was unaware that the decline was this steep. Here in Texas, the deer populations, whitetail and mule deer, are doing pretty good thanks to some timely rains. A lot of other places don't look as good.

In texas its all private land with a lot of supplemental feeding and few big predators. Up here its lots of mountainous public lands with excessive lion bear and wolf numbers. Even our whitetail numbers are tanking hard. You may have pig problems, but the predators where im at are a huge problem for the deer, with no fix in sight.
Another thing that has hit Colorado especially hard, is the continued development of winter range. These animals are being pushed out by cement. They have plenty of summer food, but their winter ranges are shrinking. That, along with excessive pressure from predators and you have a perfect storm for bad numbers.
There are places in the Northeast that have declined as well. Not sure there is uniform answer as to why in since it a has taken place in varied locations.
Turkeys as well. Our population is nowhere near what it used to be
Since somebody mentioned the Northeast, I’ll add that the Upper Great Lakes tanked bad in the past 10 years. Winters are at the top of the blame chain along with the combination of decreased wintering habitat. Predators would be #2. Again, no fix in sight.
Here locally in my neck of the woods the deer woods. Our numbers are at highs not seen in 20 years.. So high you can't grow a garden.. Heck my neighbor put up an eight ft fence this spring only for the deer to jump in and eat it down to nothing in a few nights..
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This might have something to do with it.
Gotta disagree with this one. Back in the 1930's you were lucky to see a deer in Iowa. In the first season managed by the Iowa DNR (1953) there were an estimated 15,000 whitetails. That year 3,700 were harvested. In the 2000's an estimated population of435,000 deer. Annual harvest of around 120,000. A high of 210,000 in one year. Iowa DNR has a far greater effect on deer population (in Iowa) then the population of humans. Actually inverse of what the chart shows (the more humans the more deer) Yes, I know that has nothing to do with the population of deer (note sarcasm) ;). I do hear that out west the mule deer are largely affected by humans.

good luck to all
the dog
I dont know who is writing the articles, but I have never seen a positive one written by the greenie side.......everything is dwindling and humans need to be stopped, especially hunters....dont care if we are talking horned toads, squirrels, snakes or deer....
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