PEAX Equipment

RAIN DEER - A Sitka Blacktail Story

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This film has been two years in the making. It will make its premiere at the BHA Rendezvous on May 4th. The next day it will be live on our Amazon and YouTube channels.

Hard to tell a story of hunting, food, conservation, research and how it is funded, all within a 20-minute film. I think our crew did an amazing job to fit it within those confines.

Film trailer at the link below.

If you want to help with Sitka Blacktail Research, this link will give you more details of what is being done -
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Looking forward to your film at the Rendezvous this year Randy. Bringing my wife along this year for both the film night and story night. It should be a great time.
This film has been two years in the making. It will make its premiere at the BHA Rendezvous on May 4th. The next day it will be live on our Amazon and YouTube channels.

Hard to tell a story of hunting, food, conservation, research and how it is funded, all within a 20-minute film. I think our crew did an amazing job to fit it within those confines.

Film trailer at the link below.

If you want to help with Sitka Blacktail Research, this link will give you more details of what is being done -

Every since the podcast about the lost drone in Sitka and a “$1000” dollar reward for whoever retrieves it. I have been dying to see this footage from that hunt. Randy, you and Marcus were hilarious on this podcast. I would definitely be will to pay good money for this movie. Keep up the great work for all of us hunters.
I remember the podcast for this episode. Really wish you guys made a longer version! Like a nat geo hunting mashup.
Awesome film!

I'll tell you what, that young lady's husband is a very lucky man. She's smokin hot, smart, and an outdoorswoman....holy moley! He better hang on to that one!
Watched the film this morning. Great story! Makes me want to go to S.E. AK.
My kids and I watched it last night. Fantastic, and really well done job at showing the beauty and challenges of a chunk of earth. I look forward to more Fresh Tracks Films.
Just watched this morning on Prime. Very nicely done. Great story and awesome footage!

Question: Let’s say a guy wanted to plan a SE Alaska hunt for blacktails in the high alpine.... Is Jim available for hunt consulting? 😃 How does a guy get a hold of Mr Blacktail? His eyes on the first-timer’s hunt plan would be invaluable.
Nice job! Reminds me of simple days and what hunting should be about, enjoyment of the hunt without competitiveness and conservation.

Before I'm done, there are 4 people I'd really like to hunt with that seem to follow this philosophy; Randy Newberg, Jim Baichtal, Remi Warren, and Steven Rinella.
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Super collaboration between Randy (and FreshTracks crew) and Tyler Johnerson. I think this is the best you've done together since Tyler put his hand on Big Fin's back and pushed him up the hill to pop out into the open with an elk herd milling around waiting for the lead cow to decide which direction to escape.

I'm positive that the deer nirvana captured on film is only a pale shimmering of the real place. The "suck" that must be endured to reach the alpine must be experienced in person to really comprehend the audacity of human effort required to reach that salad bowl. The smell of wet forest/vegetation and the feel of swirling breezes cannot be fully shared well with television viewers. That awesome moment of first entering the open habitat will always be in my head accompanied with the sound of an angelic choir singing praises to the Creator of such a magnificent awesome nature playground.

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