PEAX Equipment

Conservation Content On Our Channels

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Marcus and I have spent a lot of time this winter trying to figure out how we embed more conservation content in our YouTube videos. We do conservation films and they get an OK amount of views. We do a hunt where something gets shot and it seems we get 3-4X the number of views a conservation film gets. Realizing that folks want the suspense and adventure of the hunting content, we are working on how to embed conservation stories within those hunting episodes.

I told Marcus that we are going to do more food and conservation content, even if those vids get no views. We put together a list of conservation stories we want to tell. That is driving a lot of our tag application strategy for the upcoming season.

Living in the middle of a place where hunters have done remarkable conservation work, we decided we should feature some of that great work. Marcus knows the story well. He volunteered to go out and try to tell some of that story, knowing we would never have a chance to do it justice as a small part of a hunting episode.

So, even if it only gets a handful of views, I am going to press our crew to keep making these kind of videos. Thanks to Marcus for his hard work and weeks of effort to put this together.

The next item, ready for release in the next month is a two-year project about the Yellowstone River. Again, it might only get a handful of views, but the conservation messaging is part of why I get up and smile really big with the thought that I have this "job." Not a good business model, but important to me and the crew.
Not sure about others, but I really enjoy these videos.
The overwhelming reason I watch your content as well as the MeatEater stuff is because all of you like to make conservation & public lands a focal point, as well as information about areas such as the history, geography and challenges (as well as cooking up a harvested animal). I'll be just as inclined to watch conservation or history driven episodes as much/more than ones where a lot of success in harvesting animals is shown.

Some of my favorite episodes from both of the crews don't end with an animal being harvested, if there's a good story/narrative/comradery being shown you've got my attention. I stopped watching most others long ago because they are basically infomercials interspersed with some animals being shot.
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Just an idea: Plan your hunts on areas that RMEF has done habitat projects. You could point out spots that hold more elk because of prescribed burns, weed treatment, etc.

If one saw our application white board, it does have a lot of RMEF projects in those units. Along with some stories of average folks who stood up, no matter the discomfort, difficulty, or inconvenience. If we are so lucky to draw the tags, those will be cool stories.
Maybe show some behind the scenes type stuff like writing to senators and telling people how they can get into the action of it all. I've seen quite a few guys join over the years that were really into the government stuff and wanted to start right out of the gate getting involved in organizations and letter writing and phone calls. Let the everyday hunter know they can also play a part in the conservation action.
What about some type of Hunttalk get together for a conservation project? It could be filmed and show that hunters are actually leading the conservation efforts. You have a great following that a lot of people would love to say "I was apart of this conservation project with Randy Newberg". I know you already have a busy schedule, but I figured I would throw out the idea. Piggy backing on Cushman, another way they can also play a part in the conservation action.
If one saw our application white board, it does have a lot of RMEF projects in those units. Along with some stories of average folks who stood up, no matter the discomfort, difficulty, or inconvenience. If we are so lucky to draw the tags, those will be cool stories.

This is awesome. There are so many volunteers who sacrifice their time, money, sanity & family lives to make the world a better place than what they inherited. Giving them some love not only helps them feel appreciated, but helps show the next volunteer that their efforts can & do make a huge difference.
Yeah, I totally agree about embedding conservation and food stories in the kill episodes. Really tie it all together. U guys do a pretty good job of that already.

I liked the "Rain Deer" film u guys did last year because it married hunting with scientific research. Joe Hunter and Joe College both need to know they aren't enemies.
Phenomenal job, I will definitely be circulating this video among my non-hunting friends.

Along with some stories of average folks who stood up, no matter the discomfort, difficulty, or inconvenience.

One of the most valuable parts of this forum to me, is the chance to learn about how and why are landscape and regulations look the way they do. I think this story is hugely important to communicating to the pubic the costs and benefits of future projects and legislation.

I look forward to seeing some of this content. Keep up the great work.
Great video! I have spent time working or recreating on all of these WMA's and greatly appreciate the hard work that conservationists and hunters accomplished before my time to create these incredible places. Unfortunately many hunters could care less about conservation issues until it personally effects them during the weekend they make it out for a hard core road hunt. Although most might not watch your conservation focused content, it will have an impact on those that do and hopefully get them to think a bit more about wildlife conservation and public lands.
Great job on this video. The conservation content really adds value. It explains the role of public land hunters and conservation organizations.
I love the conservation content and I think most people that have at least a slight understanding of why and how we have the wildlife we have like it as well. I do see one, lets call it less than perfect aspect and I'm not sure its even "fixable". Most content centered around conservation aims to show that conservation efforts are working, but in order to do this you need to show a reason that conservation was needed, kind of like a before and after. Showing the "after" is easy, lots of healthy animals, a successful hunt, ect. But the "before" is much more difficult. A few guys (Randy included) can speak very eloquently about what conditions were like before the animals, habitat, ecosystem demanded attention but nobody can show it. A claim that someone lost 100lbs doesn't mean much without the before picture. Again, I don't know that this can be fixed but if someone can come up with a way to show the "before conservation" or maybe just what it would realistically be like "without conservation" that would be something everyone could be interested in.
One thing that would be cool would be to see a Fresh Tracks hunt in one of the eastern reintroduction elk states like PA. I know here in WI (residents-only), people are really stoked that we now have a season. I also understand that your show is Western focused but it would be cool to see.
If one saw our application white board, it does have a lot of RMEF projects in those units. Along with some stories of average folks who stood up, no matter the discomfort, difficulty, or inconvenience. If we are so lucky to draw the tags, those will be cool stories.

On the plus side, you wouldn't need to be GRAMMA as much, dudes could just use RMEF overlay😁

I'm not sure you need to be terribly heavy handed. Maybe a 3-4 min segment on a project or person that corresponds with a hunt.

That kid in the wheelchair that you stopped to visit. (Sorry i forgot his name). Do you know how many guys went and watched his video? That was a spectacular way to draw attention to a group doing great things, wrapped in a great story.