Public Land Archery Whitetail: What do you consider "Good Hunting" ?


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
For a trip on public land, archery hunting whitetails in the first week of November, what are your expectations for amount of "action" you expect to see?

I know the question is vague and it is dependent on a lot of factors, but I'm leaving it open ended intentionally.
Well I'll Colorado I expect to see a lot of movement. But I honestly see that no matter what time of year. We generally only get to hunt a day and a half at a time and we aren't real picky so I might not be the best person to ask... in Florida where I grew up its opening weekend of rifle season. And honestly seeing a lot of deer is not a frequent occurrence...I think I saw 10 deer 1 time on a morning hunt in 25 years of hunting. I can see that from where we camp probably here lol. Now if your referencing the rut. I think it is heating up pretty good. I will let you know when we get home this weekend what I saw
in Florida where I grew up its opening weekend of rifle season. And honestly seeing a lot of deer is not a frequent occurrence...I think I saw 10 deer 1 time on a morning hunt in 25 years of hunting.

I can understand that for sure. I grew up hunting whitetails in WNY and even on private land, most of the time I was excited to just have a shot at any buck in a whole archery season. The best day I ever had in probably 10 years of hunting, I saw 4 bucks in one day, and that was in early October, not even the rut.
I hope to at least see a/some deer on any hunting event. And for me, this is usually met with a deer on the opposite end of the ag field I'm sitting on, or other out of range sighting.
I’m always very satisfied with a 2.5 or 3.5 year old buck with a bow on public land. Shooting a basket 8 with a bow is far better in my world than shooting a big 10 pt with a rifle.
I’m always very satisfied with a 2.5 or 3.5 year old buck with a bow on public land. Shooting a basket 8 with a bow is far better in my world than shooting a big 10 pt with a rifle.

Agreed, and for me, any hunt i see a deer is a good hunt. If im hunting the rut and on a trip somewhere, id like to see several bucks and a few does but thats not always the case
If I'm stand hunting, I'm happy to see 1-3 deer per sit. If I'm spot and stalk hunting, I hope to see at least 5 per hunt. During archery season, I usually only hunt either the a.m. or p.m. that day, but not both.

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