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Montana Fentanyl and Meth. Mexican Drug Cartel Focus.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
EDIT: Stay off the Border issue. This is in a Place For Friends... OFF TOPIC sub forum. About mitigating the issue IN Montana.
How to counter the issue focused on the complexities of sovereign tribal nations and the consequences of tribal and spill over off tribal land.

Sure, place your reports to Randy though again, this is not Political NOR border based... If you can't manage your ability to not open / post in a topic you don't personally find off topic notable... Report away...


Epicenter for disaster. Prime locations for Cartel focus:

The U.S. challenge?... The Montana challenge?... The Tribal Challenge?...

“When we don’t have the boots on the ground and people aren’t being held accountable, it really becomes the Wild, Wild West,” said Laslovich, the U.S. attorney. “I think you see that in Indian Country, here in Montana, more than we should.”

Complicating matters further, the reservations are sovereign nations where local law enforcement is restricted from operating without an agreement with the tribe. Even when agreements are in place, local and state authorities are often barred from arresting tribal members. And the tribal police officers are largely prohibited from arresting outsiders on the reservation.

It adds up to a jurisdictional maze that hampers crime fighting at a time when drugs are ravaging Indian communities, current and former law enforcement officials say."

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"And the tribal police officers are largely prohibited from arresting outsiders on the reservation."

Is this accurate? What precludes them from arresting outsiders? Tribal policy or some agreement with the state perhaps?
Is this accurate? What precludes them from arresting outsiders? Tribal policy or some agreement with the state perhaps?
"Tribes have inherent authority to exercise criminal jurisdiction over tribal members and to arrest and detain non-Indians for delivery to state or federal authorities for prosecution. "

Looks like they can't file charges, but they arrest/detain can refer them to other agencies.
Is this accurate? What precludes them from arresting outsiders? Tribal policy or some agreement with the state perhaps?
Jurisdiction most likely. The tribal officers closest to me are not state certified and thus only have jurisdiction over tribal members. Basically all they can do if they’re involved with a non member is ask for another agency to help them

I have often wondered if tribal members wouldn’t be better served with dissolving the reservation system.
The entire thing is a mess. My dad was asking me about getting the permits to coyote hunt some of it. No thanks I don’t wanna be anywhere near any of those reservations.
Few people realize the depths the tentacles of these criminal organizations go. America’s political, institutional and cultural realities are soft and easy targets for these people. Protect yours and your own is the only answer. The system is not capable of protecting you, and there is no solution that the American people could stomach.
It shouldn't be political
Nope. It's not the fault of Pres Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden. It isn't the fault of any one political party, but it is the fault of Congress for not coming up with solutions to mitigate the demand problem, to "fix the border" crisis, and to figure out how to support and assist those sovereign tribal reservations in mitigating their many problems.
Congress has sadly failed for so long in dealling with so many internal problems, I think mainly because we keep electing ideologically driven wealthy silver-spoon candidates who really can't even relate to making life choices regarding basics of everyday life or to tragic human issues. They've never had to. A private jet flight and tour of the border or a third world nation for three days is a joke and a waste of time and resources for those "leaders"(?)!
The root problem is the demand for it.
Not sure if the demand can be figured out. Solutions for the reservation issue are pretty limited - but the issue is concentrated there by a lack of effective law enforcement. The cause of that is the broken soverign nation model.

Seperately, dismantling that disaster would do a lot for wildlife too.
The Feds have a substantial presence on the reservations to which makes the sovereign excuse a bad one. The problem is action is rarely taken and when it is, it’s not effective. So much money is thrown at this issue without any real diversion. Arrest and seize just enough to justify their positions as the issue escalates.