Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana 300 or 324


Apr 22, 2012
This is not an internet scouting post or a tell me your secret spot post.

If you had bonus points and stood a pretty good chance of drawing either a 300 Lima Peaks tag or 324 Snowcrest tag for mule deer which would you rather do?

I have been to both places and both have ample public land, I am just curious if any of you had the tag before, how you did, and what your choice would be? I am really torn as to which one to apply

Thanks guys
Snowcrest. I've been in both, and the Snowcrest Range seems like a district where monsters could slip through the cracks year in and year out. Also, as beautiful as it gets.
I have held both tags and killed a deer out of each. I would take 300 over 324. With that being said, I apply in 324 because it's closer for me and I know the country very well. When I had the 300 tag I seen several deer that were bigger than anything I've seen in the Snowcrest.
Good deer will be found in both, but Lima Peaks will likely be a more physically demanding hunt, with the Snowcrests having more variety of terrain available to hunt on public land.
I am definitely Not in shape for a really strenuous hunt. I think I have a pretty good chance at a tag with my points but I know its no guarantee that was why I was just trying to get some personal opinions on the units. If I get a tag I will have plenty of time for scouting this summer/fall. Thanks for the input guys
With all of the road closures I would consider the Snowcrest a fairly demanding hunt also.
The snowcrest hunt can be demanding as JLS stated. However the gravelly side of 324 is very easy going. The biggest deer I have found have all been on the upper end of the snowcrest though. Shotgun1....if you draw either tag feel free to shoot me a PM.
O and by the dad has max points and has been applying for 1 of these units forever and hasn't drawn a tag yet. I've had one of them 3 of the last 5 years. Hopefully you can pull a tag and have a great hunt.
What size of a buck are you looking for?

I am looking for a solid 4X4 that can go on the wall. My idea of a trophy is probably different than many others. I don't by any means expect a 180 but I sure hope for more than a 140
I've spent a bit of time in both units and will say this:

The biggest deer I've seen in the two units came from 300 and it was a damn good buck.

There are a lot more deer in the snowcrests.

I don't apply to either of those units.
I talked to the biologist a bit down there about the same thing. He said there are bigger deer in 300 but feels most of those bigger deer drop down into Idaho once general rifle season starts. He said archery season might be the better choice for the bigger deer.
Not to be a Debbie downer, but no one has a pretty good chance of drawing these tags.

Last year 104 people put in for 300 with 8-10 points, seven drew. 25 people put in for 324 with 8-10, and 4 drew.
Hunted elk in 324 for several years. Biggest muley that I've personally laid eyes on was @ 160".

Your not a downer, I by no means think I am guaranteed to draw. I just am a little more picky with the more points I collect yearly. My typical result is "I drew a point this year". I really think I may put in for a 455 tag instead.
Hunted there for elk a few years back. saw a couple pretty good muleys. Although a long walk it was fairly gentle slope up cottonwood creek. If I got one it would be a fairly flat haul just long. Not bad with a game cart. I just put in for the 455 tag. Anyone of you guys had success there, just curious what you got. I know the area and where to go so I am only curious about if you got something, pictures are even better. Thanks for everyone's input
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