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Mom's Worst....


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Yeah Good Ol' Mom came through for all the tough times...Boo Boo's...G/F heartbreaks...stretching the $ during hard times...BUT.

Here are a few of Mom's WORST !

Aunt Sharon's Chili: Water, ground turkey, white beans, Chili powder.

Aunt Sharon's Hawaii Sweet & Sour: 2 full packs of rice noodles, 2 jar Sweet & Sour sauce, 2 cans Pineapple, 3 diced chicken strips.

Burn & Serve dinner Rolls. The bottoms were charcoal every time, without fail.

DRRRYYYY cornbread ! Butter, Butter, Butter !!!!!

Now, Cookies ? Mom Slam Dunked Cookies !
Definitely an issue in my family. I'm considered the gourmet and regularly eat rice, chicken, and cream of mushroom soup casserole covered with onion soup powder...bachelor chow

There were a few things my mom did pretty well, but any kind of whole meat part was not in her wheel house. Steaks were bland and well-done, chicken and turkey was overcooked and dried out, roasts were overdone and dry. But, breakfast foods - amazing. She was the queen of biscuits and gravy!
My mom is a product of almost exclusively German and some Swedish heritage. Food growing up was always pretty blah. Lots of hotdish.
I recall going to my now wife’s house to eat when we were in HS and her mom, now my MIL, had a side dish of canned peas mixed with canned tuna and mayo. Don’t recall what they called it but it was awful. She still eats it from time to time. No bueno.
My mom was an excellent cook. Growing up and staying with friends or relatives the food was always below par of what we ate at home, not fancy food, just dang good home cooking. My wife can be an excellent cook as well, but as the kids are all grown and gone she seems to be semi-retired from the cooking. I frequently remind her that her biggest kid still lives at home and likes home cooked meals!
My mom is an Italian women who grew up with a dad who owned and Italian restaurant- she brings it in the kitchen, and it’s a cardinal sin to not make way too much of everything.

Im racking my brain to think of anything she’s ever made that I didn’t like, coming up empty.
My mom is great cook and with 11 kids it was a good thing but one dish she made that I could never eat was orange jello with grated carrots, then my sisters would put mayo on it. 🤮🤮🤮
My mom is great cook and with 11 kids it was a good thing but one dish she made that I could never eat was orange jello with grated carrots, then my sisters would put mayo on it. 🤮🤮🤮
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My mom's cooking is spot on for everything, except cookies. For some reason she thinks cookies should be the consistency of hockey pucks. And in reality, they should be cooked with a flashlight. But she's mom - gotta love her...
My mother is a great cook, and she taught us a lot of tricks. I'm the 3rd of nine kids, 5 of us boys, and I have no idea how she held it together all those years. We consumed 10 gallons of milk each week
My mom was a fabulous cook but none of it rubbed off on my sister who struggled mightily with Kraft Mac and cheese and hamburger helper. Boiling eggs and heating a can of soup were barely in reach but she’s improved over the years.
My wife is firmly in the camp of all meat must be cooked until extra well done and salt is the enemy.
Thankfully, I paid attention in mom’s kitchen and turned into a pretty decent home cook
My mom used to cook pork chops in a frying pan with water (while covered) until they were cooked to approximately 211 deg F. Really well done, really tough. She explained to me...that this was the best way to cook them so they wouldn't get tough :)
My mom would fry up salmon cakes out of canned salmon, not the good kind. Think on sale at the grocery store, and I grew up in WV nowhere near salmon of any kind. The dog wouldn't even eat them...her and brother loved them...
I refuse to eat any kind of canned fish from store to this day.
My mom made chili that was the consistency of soup, had spiral noodles and was seasoned ONLY with some chili powder. Dad always had to have meats cooked well done because "you don't want to get sick". Recently he asked me how I made chocolate chip cookies and told my mom that he liked mine better.
My mom was a good cook. We ate what was considered good food at the time. We raised beef , pork and chickens so we always had great meats. Where I was raised potatoes and corn was considered a vegetable and some form of them was eaten for every evening meal. Most of what she cooked would be considered midwestern farm cuisine.
About the only thing she made I didn't care for was something she called swiss steak.
Best I can recall is was made out of round steak and tomatoes. It was dry as heck and just wasn't all that tasty. It was really the only thing she made regularly I didn't look forward to chewin up.
the one and only time my gf at the time (wife now) met and ate my mother's food, and when asked how the 'meal' was, responded "I spent a year in the countryside, and 2 years in a UN camp during the bosnian war eating banana peels and bread as the staple, the worst food is still food."

Take from that what you will.
I read these and started to wonder if I would marry a woman who couldn't cook. My wife said she sure wouldn't. I didn't remind her that when we were dating she tried to make meatloaf and it was really just a big hamburger. It was tasty, tho. I taught her Southern cuisine and now she does it better than I do. I finally got her to stop making tomato based stews with green olives and it's been smooth sailing since.

My mother is a wiz with ground beef and good overall but with a very limited repertoire probably owed to a very limited budget. To this day I will not eat a pinto bean on account of she made us eat pintos and cornbread at least three times per week growing up. I mean that was the entire meal.

The limited budget does not explain why she burned a roast every Sunday from my earliest memory until I was in college. It was a big splurge and she ruined it every single time. She also claims she doesn't know what she changed now that they come out perfect. Pretty sure ol' mom is lying.
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