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Depublicize, Deglorify, Demonitize (anti-self promoting of hunting group)?


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
Ok I know Facebook is the cesspool of the Earth but a few weeks ago I stumbled across Matt Rinella's group Deplublicize, Deglorify, Demonitize (Rinella DDD)...

Here's his premise:
Depublicize, Deglorify, Demonetize
Are you tired of hearing how hunter numbers are declining only to find your spots more crowded than ever, your draw odds dwindling and no mature deer and elk? Contrary to voices in the hunting industry, hunter numbers have increased since the 1960s throughout most the U.S. and continued to increase in the last decade in western and southeastern states. Where numbers declined, it’s because urban development and hunting leases reduced huntable acres.
One cause of the ever-increasing hunting pressure is people hunting for the wrong reasons. A small group of hunters are starting a movement called Depublicize, Deglorify, Demonetize (DDD). DDD hunters work for public access and habitat and against self-promoting impulses and profit-driven forces that send people afield for the wrong reasons. Here’s what DDD hunters believe and advocate.
Depublicize. Hunters are using social media to post dead animal pictures and videos to massive audiences. This bragging about dead animals increases antihunting sentiment. Hunters that post “trophy” animals value advertising their accomplishments over maintaining political environments favorable to hunting. Also, posting increases hunting hype and pressure. Hunters that post value boasting over maintaining uncrowded, quality hunting experiences. Most importantly, many self-promotors value the pictures they brag about over the meat they harvest…In other words, they hunt for the wrong reasons. Hunting is a personal thing. It’s about seeing, not about being seen. DDD hunters believe dead animal posts harm public land hunting. We strive to make posting taboo to discourage self-promotors from hunting.
Deglorify. Hunting shows portray a glorified version of hunting. Wounded animals go unrecovered during filming, and that footage is rarely shown, so the sorrowful side of hunting is hidden. Also hidden are filming locations, which are typically private lands, remote lands requiring cost-prohibitive travel, lands requiring expensive tag lotteries, and secret spots of the host’s guests. As such, success rates well exceed what beginners should expect on heavily hunted public land. Hunting shows attract people to hunting on false premises and increase pressure. DDD hunters work to educate people that what’s on TVs and computer screens may be entertaining, but its not real public land hunting.
Demonetize. Nonhunters that are interested in hunting are a key target audience for the hunting industry. When glitzy ad campaigns and corporate-sponsored hunters convince hunting-curious nonhunters to hunt, it opens major sales opportunities, because new hunters lack gear and need how-to content. We believe considerations of profit should play no role in inspiring nonhunters to hunt.
If you want to join our movement and help spread the word, we’ve made DDD t-shirts, and true to the DDD spirit, we’re selling them at cost. Contact Stitch 4U in Miles City, MT:
[email protected]

I'm not totally convinced this isn't satire or a tongue-in-cheek jab at his brother but I do agree that Social Media has inundated spots that people recognize online.
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Ahhhh...there goes the good of Hunttalk...generally the only posts left without the threat of being locked because of opposing views
What makes you think it is satire? I agree with a lot of it. Actually accomplishing it is difficult, but in principle I’m on board. The demonetize part is a little iffy. You want people to take up hunting but not be compensated for the value of the content they provide? You will quickly end up with zero content and defeat your main objective of getting people into hunting. I do think social media has made life in general about self promotion.
Comes across as tongue-in-cheek to me, even if Matt does generally agree with the premise. Definitely poking some fun at Steve, that knife video is pretty funny. It looks like some people commenting are taking it a bit too seriously.

I removed instagram from my phone a few months ago to avoid the distraction and before that posted once or twice a year. I have hunted with some guys that spent too much time planning their instagram story/posts whenever they would get some service.
I have enjoyed following that page, and think it is actually a sort of genius act - a coin that lands on its side. Totally interpretable as satire yet I actually think Matt believes the angle from which he is approaching things wholeheartedly. Really beautifully done.

I actually think it is a good thing and needs to pick up steam. Think of the balance of our politics as an analogy. I think most rational people would not want one side of the political aisle to get their way all the time. And so in the same way that I disagree with a lot of things on the right, and disagree with a lot of things on the left, I’m glad they are both there to balance each other out. Maybe this is a necessary and balancing perspective to the 3 Rs we always hear about.

Of course one could say I’m reading way too much into it, wink wink....
I have enjoyed following that page, and think it is actually a sort of genius act - a coin that lands on its side. Totally interpretable as satire yet I actually think Matt believes the angle from which he is approaching things wholeheartedly. Really beautifully done.

I actually think it is a good thing and needs to pick up steam. Think of the balance of our politics as an analogy. I think most rational people would not want one side of the political aisle to get their way all the time. And so in the same way that I disagree with a lot of things on the right, and disagree with a lot of things on the left, I’m glad they are both there to balance each other out. Maybe this is a necessary and balancing perspective to the 3 Rs we always hear about.

Of course one could say I’m reading way too much into it, wink wink....
Ok, I'm catching up slowly. What are the 3 R's? Sorry, I don't follow Rinalla.
I have enjoyed following that page, and think it is actually a sort of genius act - a coin that lands on its side. Totally interpretable as satire yet I actually think Matt believes the angle from which he is approaching things wholeheartedly. Really beautifully done.
Steve isn't the most talented or gifted Rinella...
I'm not totally convinced this isn't satire or a tongue-in-cheek jab at his brother but I do agree that Social Media has inundated spots that people recognize online.
Harley can translate. he speak metaphor and allegory :cool:
This really rang true for me. I'll be thinking about this a lot. I don't post about hunting anywhere but here, but maybe even that is diluting the experience. I sure did enjoy my first few walks through the woods before I learned that I was doing it all wrong...

I agree with nameless range, we need both sides of the aisle. I live in Montana and rarely encounter anti-hunting sentiment, my spots get busier every year, and I still have yet to draw a special permit. The points made by DDD about social media, glorification, measuring success by comparison, they all ring true here.

BUT, I know that is not the case everywhere. We need people like Randy and Steve who make their living hunting, but still promote responsible hunting practices. We need recruitment if our voice is going to continue to be heard. I just wish Randy would stop apologizing when they don't get anything. Those are the realest episodes in my opinion.

Again, just my opinions, which are easier to hold when you rarely shoot anything!
As in all worthy things in this life a balance is often hard to find. The scales tipping in the direction that puts more people into our little corner of the world might very well be a watershed moment for us.
I saw that a couple weeks ago and I was glad to see Matt doing this. Whether tongue-in-cheek, or not (I think he is serious), it is good.

If you are blessed to be able to do what we do, you better be thinking about this stuff. If you do what we do and you cannot accept some push back or critique, then time to move along.

Mrs. Fin made me promise this would not be our livelihood, so that allows me a different space from which to operate. I don't have any of the normal pressures others may find themselves in, other than hoping to not have to cover payroll with my personal funds. Even with that, we are constantly examining how we do things, what message we are delivering, and whether or not it is helpful to the business WHY - "To promote self-guided public land hunting and create advocates for that cause."

I hope Matt uses that platform to make more of a push on this stuff. He and I would disagree on his well-known position that we don't have a responsibility to recruit the next generation of hunters. I think we do. To each of us our own opinion and that forms a bit of the course we chart.

I watch how hunting has evolved with technology and the spread of information that has come with technology. My own changes of how I use that technology are significant. I can look at Hunt Talk, a pre-Instagram social media platform, and how it has changed. Moving from traditional TV to digital has been huge. The launch of podcasts have allowed us a long-form content with a different blend.

Everything we do falls into three types of messages - informational, educational, inspirational/aspirational. Those three content types utilize each of our different platforms in different ways. And in that, we need to find the way to keep the lights on with our audience feeling our content is worth their time.

I am sure some of the newcomers will think Matt is picking on them. We need more articulate people like Matt pushing back on hunting media, in all of its forms.
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