Caribou Gear Tarp

Cooking books you should own

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Some of you already know of Hank Shaw. If not, you should. Not only is Hank a great conservation dude, but writes some of the most acclaimed wild game cook books. Too bad I will be out elk hunting when he brings his book tour to Bozeman in September. But suffice to say, he probably doesn't need my help in garnering a crowd.

Here are links to his books.




And Another:

I have Hunt, Gather, Cook on my Kindle app and I pitched in on the Kickstarter for Buck, Buck, Moose which is set to release Sept. 1.
I have Duck, Duck, Goose, it's the best waterfowl cookbook by far. And the other one on pre-order through kickstarter.
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I am a fan of Hanks work. I only have Hunt Gather Cook so far.

I do have one book he had recommended & I have had for years, Charcuterie. Book of meat curing & preserving.
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I get to fish with Hank a couple of times a year and we worked together for a food event at my house earlier this year. Awesome guy who is helping elevate everyone's kitchen game when it comes to hunting, fishing and foraging.
The way this thread is titled in ..."Cooking books you should"..... And being introduced by a CPA, my mind at first went in another direction. :D

Thanks for the cookbook suggestions.
How about steve rinella's books the complete guide to hunting, butchering, and cooking wild game has some great recipes
Whoa. THis is the first post I've ever seen by a CPA that uses the words "cooking" ""books" "you" "should." At last! The worlds first honest accountant! Thank you BIG FIN. :)
Hank just started his own podcast. You should have him as a guest Randy.

Between Rinella, Newburg, and now Hank I think we have a good group of windbags to keep us busy on those drives to and from hunting camp! I am up to date on all of the above as apparently I drive more to hunt than they talk. :)

I am cooking a blacktail jackrabbit ala Hank's Sardenian stew recipe. 3 hours from now I will know if I can follow directions or not.
I was thinking about ordering one of these cookbooks after listening to him on Fin's podcast. I think I may try Buck, Buck, Moose.