Caribou Gear

YouTube - Water Filtration Basics; How We Do It

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
One of the biggest tasks for us on some of these backpack and base camp hunts is filtering water for hunters and the production crew. Since I get a lot of questions about how we do it, what we use, and why we use what we do, I thought we would do a quick video.

This video shows what works best for us. Our needs might be different, given we usually have three people, sometimes four, and TV production puts a lot of constraints on our time once the sun goes down. You will see I am big on gravity-based systems. The good ones are about the same size/weight as pump systems, and they can do a lot more volume with less attention.

We do not cover the chemical treatments in this video. I do carry Aquamira Drops as my emergency backup.

Interested in what some of you do when you have a larger group of people where volume of water can be a challenge. Seems I always learn some good ideas when the Hunt Talk crowd chimes in on these sort of videos.


If you want links to the systems we focus on most, here you go:

Katadyn 10L Base Camp Gravity System -

Katadyn Hiker Pro pump system -

Platypus 4.0L Gravity Works System -
I use the platypus gravity system as well. Does a good job for camp type work. I baby the crap out of the filter unit though, as no matter what I do, it seems I am always able to get some water out of the filter. So it almost always stays in my sleeping bag at night or an ice chest. My main pack/daily use is a stripen with my nalgene bottle. I hate carrying too much water, and there are sources all over where I mainly hunt, so I just stop, fill up the bottle and swirl it for the 60-90 seconds, whatever it is. Anything more than 32 oz and it is gravity systems for me. On a truck camp though, I almost always bring 5-10 gal of water with me, so filtration is largely a backpacking affair for me. Great video though, love the content you have been pushing out since the switch to digital!
I have used tons of different filters over the years... right now I'm using the platypus gravity, hopefully it holds up but so far it has been the fastest and the easiest system I have ever used. Also it's stupid light and easy to pack.
I have only had to worry about water for 2 people so far in the wilderness but this is what we used.

We both used the Sawyer Mini in line on our packs for day use and filled up in Jacks Creek every morning before heading out. Every time we hit 1/2 full and crossed a seep, spring, or creek we filled back up.

At night we would lay our packs on a log and gravity filter the remainder into Nalgene bottles for brushing our teeth, and for coffee the next morning. The little $20 Sawyer mini works pretty good at gravity filtering. I could start the flow of water, go grab water in the creek for the Mountain house, get the pocket rocket set up to boil said water, and the Nalgene would be filled. More than enough for coffee in the AM, a Mountain House breakfast, and brushing the teeth.

I would at night before bed unhook the Sawyer, drain it completely and wrap it in one of my Wool socks just as a precaution to freezing as it was getting into the upper 20's at night.
What do you all think of the water tabs? Given the amount of time it takes for them to work, 30 mins for the tabs that kill everything but Cryptosporidium and 4 hrs for the ones that kill Cryptosporidium, plus the disclaimer on the package that says they should be stored between 60 and 86 degrees I'm inclined to only use them as a measure of last resort.
I almost need to go part time at work to keep up with all of the videos and information you've been releasing. I sure appreciate everything you do for us guys trying to figure it out on our own!

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