Caribou Gear

CA To Spend $500+ Million To Clear Forests


Active member
Apr 26, 2021
Surprise, AZ
Won’t post articles because they’re all political leaning one way or the other, but glad to see something is being done to manage the fuel in the forests. Along with the newly acquired helicopters that fly at night, we may have somewhat better wildfire years in the future. We just did a dual sport ride up in the Piutes and there is a lot of fuel everywhere. Fingers crossed for a better future.


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About time we got the Rakes out
Are you for it or against? Figure for.
Sad to see what has happened to the Adirondacks in my lifetime. It is written into constitution that preserved forever and letting it just grow "naturally". Well now you have hardly any game because everything is even more mature than it was 40 years ago. Can't even cut a couple of trees to make a snowmobile trail. Tough to balance preservation vs use. Glad to see some good managment.
Nice, I like it. A step in the right direction. Next war should be against the pine bark beetle and solving the all the issues that the white bark pine trees are facing in the high elevation. I was up at 9000 ft last weekend and its really sad, ghost forest on nearly ever peak around, and its getting worse every year.
Are you for it or against? Figure for.
Sad to see what has happened to the Adirondacks in my lifetime. It is written into constitution that preserved forever and letting it just grow "naturally". Well now you have hardly any game because everything is even more mature than it was 40 years ago. Can't even cut a couple of trees to make a snowmobile trail. Tough to balance preservation vs use. Glad to see some good managment.
"Good Management" might be doing nothing. Mother nature did an outstanding job "managing the forests long before white man came along. Then the Native's living here started burning more on a regular basis so they could travel thorough areas. Fire is what's missing and we are now going back 50 years in our management schemes because of politics.

Populations of humans won't allow Controlled management, in the mass that's needed because smoke is created. We then have a reason to bitch.
"Good Management" might be doing nothing. Mother nature did an outstanding job "managing the forests long before white man came. Fire is what's missing and we are now going back 50 years in our management schemes because of politics.
That's what I am saying fire is needed and we are in situation that we have because of fire suppression like you say for the last 50 years. What is not acceptable to people is losing their homes because of mega out of control forest fires. I am afraid of what is going to happen this year. Kind of glad I didn't draw my colorado deer tag that I have been waiting 14 years for.
Only problem is that even if they clear the forest areas, we have all the vagrants, ehem, I mean "unhoused" living in a lot of wooded areas now. They've set a few places alight this year already. Granted, those places were closer to suburban areas. Hopefully our hunting areas are a little too far from the liquor stores for them.
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That’s a good step in the right direction too bad the state of California could have made 500 million logging it before wise men started chaining themselves to trees. Sure worked out good stopping all that evil logging they were doing back in the 80’s
Won’t post articles because they’re all political leaning one way or the other, but glad to see something is being done to manage the fuel in the forests. Along with the newly acquired helicopters that fly at night, we may have somewhat better wildfire years in the future. We just did a dual sport ride up in the Piutes and there is a lot of fuel everywhere. Fingers crossed for a better future.
It will never happen all the way under Newsome. He will use it like everything else as a shell game.
Could just open up some timber sales and make money? Pfft logging is evil if someone makes a profit government funded timber “thinning” is awesome.
Populations of humans won't allow Controlled management, in the mass that's needed because smoke is created. We then have a reason to bitch.

Don’t sell mankind short, we will NEVER run out of reasons to bitch!

Regarding the $500M... horse/barn door? Mother Nature will get there far faster than the govt can act and the suppression costs will make that $500M look like chump change.
Too many political cooks (kooks?) in the kitchen unfortunately
Don’t sell mankind short, we will NEVER run out of reasons to bitch!

Regarding the $500M... horse/barn door? Mother Nature will get there far faster than the govt can act and the suppression costs will make that $500M look like chump change.
Too many political cooks (kooks?) in the kitchen unfortunately
Or they could resume logging every year maybe harvest the public’s timber crop that’s been dying for 30 years ? screw that it’s better to let it burn that’s more natural
"Good Management" might be doing nothing. Mother nature did an outstanding job "managing the forests long before white man came along. Then the Native's living here started burning more on a regular basis so they could travel thorough areas. Fire is what's missing and we are now going back 50 years in our management schemes because of politics.

Populations of humans won't allow Controlled management, in the mass that's needed because smoke is created. We then have a reason to bitch.
Mother Nature taking her course is great even if she takes YOUR house out ?
Mother Nature taking her course is great even if she takes YOUR house out ?
We can log and do CONTROLED burns. White mans been here for a loong time kinda hard to go back 200-300 years.
@Trap i don’t disagree with your sentiments on this believe me. My father was a gypo logger for Simpson Timber in NorCal for a former USFS employee, a forester, and someone who later retired from a govt. position after nearly three decades working hand-in-hand under Federal jurisdiction... what we want, what makes sense, and what’s actually plausible in ACTUALLY happening sometimes (most the time) differ greatly. I have the utmost respect for those out there right now busting their humps on a fire line and I know first hand Ma Nature can be a fickle beotch, my point is that I just don’t see competing interests and competing BUDGETS tackling this anytime soon. It unfortunate but it’s more than just probable that this type of shit (fires only being just a part of it) are pretty much destined to continue for the foreseeable future.
@Trap i don’t disagree with your sentiments on this believe me. My father was a gypo logger for Simpson Timber in NorCal for a former USFS employee, a forester, and someone who later retired from a govt. position after nearly three decades working hand-in-hand under Federal jurisdiction... what we want, what makes sense, and what’s actually plausible in ACTUALLY happening sometimes (most the time) differ greatly. I have the utmost respect for those out there right now busting their humps on a fire line and I know first hand Ma Nature can be a fickle beotch, my point is that I just don’t see competing interests and competing BUDGETS tackling this anytime soon. It unfortunate but it’s more than just probable that this type of shit (fires only being just a part of it) are pretty much destined to continue for the foreseeable future.
Thanks you definitely have an inside perspective. I will continue to whine (bitch😂)about what could be a simple solution. I also have some “old” loggers in my family tree. It was sad to live in a logging town in Montana and watch everyone lose there job to save a spotted owl. Fast forward the spotted owl populations have plummeted even more and we have massive wildfires that we can’t control. I just want to keep the conversation alive as to who and what is at least partially responsible. You barn door analogy is unfortunately spot on. Thanks for your comments
Thanks for your comments and your passion as well. No easy solutions though it sure seems there should be.
Hell in Cali and OR they “saved” the spotted owl only to watch it displaced by the barred owl...if they saw that coming I could have spent a lot fewer nights driving roads documenting owl hoots 🤷🏻‍♂️ Again, no easy solutions.
Mother Nature taking her course is great even if she takes YOUR house out ?
If you build, or buy a house that could be prone to being destroyed by fire, the responsibility is on you. Government should not be responsible for people building in poor locations. Liberals always want the Big Guberment to save them when it should be their responsibility. Cut your trees back and make a defensible space and let mother nature or enhance mother nature to help you out. Your argument is very week and somewhat hypocritical compared to other posts you make.

Do you want to the feds to subsides people to build and sprawl farther out in the hills? Logging in Montana, every 30 years won't get you a 2 x 6 stud, so your gonna have to pay up with more taxes, that go to the logger, to have him thin things out every couple of years.

Fire works a lot easier and costs a lot less to use.
We have the possibility right now to have some major stand clearing fires in north central Idaho, I’m hoping that somehow it doesn’t lead to massive salvage operations and immediate high density replanting. The timber monoculture we currently have is part of why fire potential is so high in some areas. A more diverse forest would do this country a ton of good
If you build, or buy a house that could be prone to being destroyed by fire, the responsibility is on you. Government should not be responsible for people building in poor locations. Liberals always want the Big Guberment to save them when it should be their responsibility. Cut your trees back and make a defensible space and let mother nature or enhance mother nature to help you out. Your argument is very week and somewhat hypocritical compared to other posts you make.

Do you want to the feds to subsides people to build and sprawl farther out in the hills? Logging in Montana, every 30 years won't get you a 2 x 6 stud, so your gonna have to pay up with more taxes, that go to the logger, to have him thin things out every couple of years.

Fire works a lot easier and costs a lot less to use.
Ok I agree with you on the house issue 😎it’s on the homeowners to build wisely and create a defensible space, just wondering where you stood since you seem to be advocating a let burn policy. I disagree on the logging aspect as I have watched deadfall upon deadfall accumulating over the last 30 plus years when most logging and timber sales around me were shutdown via lawsuits. Logging is not the grand solution or final fix but it definitely should be part of the solution. I want to keep the conversation on logging going if just to remind earth first and the like that they created a big part of the problem we face. Logging makes money and maybe we could buy a sheet of osb for less than 62 bucks if we harvest a few more trees. We still need selective thinning I get that but places like California seem to only want that with no logging for profit. Logging, thinning and controlled burns seem like a better approach than let er burn!! At this point some of our forest is so far gone wildfires might be the only outcome possible. It did not have to get this bad had logging and a little forest management been allowed to continue. I would like to go back 200 years as far as human population goes and leave it up to Mother Nature to do her thing but it ain’t going to happen.
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