Caribou Gear Tarp

CA Late Season Buck (pics)


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2003
White Mountains of Arizona
Well I’m back boys from my late season CA hunt……..what an experience…..both highs and lows. This is a very hard tag to draw (35 tags) and is a rifle hunt that I was going to try with my bow.

I got up there the night before and set camp up. Checked on some deer I had scouted the week before and was amazed that most of them were busted up pretty bad. Now I’m not talking a tine here or there, but WHOLE main beams broken off above eye-guards. That’s a lot of torque. Two friends (Wally and Jerry) showed up to help me along for the weekend. It was nice to have some company. With a lack of snow in the high country, I knew it was going to be a VERY tough to locate a big buck, as most of the deer were still in the high country.....out of the unit.

Decided on an area to hunt the next morning since my backpack plan (Plan A) was foiled, as two rifle guys were packing into a place I was going to hunt. No problem, with eight days of scouting in I had a few back-up plans. (I thought)

Opening morning, I drove to an area that held a pretty nice 3x4 I photo’d the weekend before. He was one of the better-framed bucks I scouted and would have flung an arrow at him anytime even though he was only a 3x4. Remember this one I photographed last week........would you cast an arrow at him? I sure wanted to.




Well, as I pulled into the area, there was a truck exactly where I needed to be……in fact 3 vehicles. We backed out and decided to get away from folks. This began to be a daily routine for this ol’ bowhunter.....searching for areas that didn't have folks that could shoot A LOT farther than me..

Long story short, I had two bucks shot out from under me. One of them Jerry saw the whole thing un-fold. I’m 70 yards from two shooter bucks, one of which is a nice 5x4 with a 7” in-line. They’re feeding towards me when all of a sudden BOOM! Dirt flying everywhere and bucks confused……then another BOOM. I’m scurrying for some nearby boulders for protection and waving my orange hat. That stalk was over. Although this hunter didn’t realize I was there….un-like the other incident.

The older gentleman (70’s) walks down the hill towards me and realizes he’s just ruined my stalk. He apologizes profusely and I let him know it’s okay……that’s what I expected being out here with a bow. With his sincerity I felt obligated to help him get that back that was standing a couple hundred yards away. After helping the gentlemen find the buck in his rifle scope, he finally downed the buck……man was he happy. Never had a man shake my hand so much….made my day. One heck of a nice man.

I ended up getting up on a few bucks over the weekend and ended up passing a few….one of which I regret now, as the broken tines got worse each day. Here’s a few I passed during the hunt.



******** Continued ********
Over the next few days I was able to sneak in on a few decent bucks.......and even missed one. I also, regrettably lost one. I must have hit him too high, as Jerry, Wally and I tracked that buck over 4 miles.....for two days. Never stopped and finally the sparse blood trail ended. A guy that saw him run down the hill after the shot told me he was a nice 4x4. Poured salt into my already open wound! I guess it happens from time to time.

Well, after Jerry and Wally left, I went to an area that we had seen a tall narrow buck with good mass. Also, I had to return to work to cover the bureau, as my Captain had to leave for a family obligation. Now, when I say narrow I mean NARROW! He had a broken G4 on his right side, but compared to all the other mature deer, he had the least amount broken. So, Tuesday morning (my last day), I ended up spotting him up on the hill chasing off some other bucks from an apparent hot doe. With him was a 27" 3x3 with a 4" dropper. I had tried for this buck earlier in the hunt, as he looked impressive. After closer inspection, his right G4 was actually an abnormal point. He was also a willow horned buck with almost no mass. I decided to go for Mr. Narrow. After closing the distance I was able to put an arrow into him......he lurched a bit on the shot from 40 yards and I caught him in the liver. He stood there quartering away and allowed another shot from 23 yards. Now he was down for good.

I haven't had time to run a tape on him.....not that it really matters. But I do know he's about 20" wide with about 17" of mass per side. I guess he'd probably score in the low 150's if he wasn't broke.......but his broken G4 and partial break of his right G1 will kill his net. It was a fun hunt and I was able to see a lot of deer. I scouted the entire unit for over 8 days prior to the hunt. I saw ONE buck that would go 180" and it was shot Sunday in the high country. The lack of snow really hampered this hunt, IMO. Some people I talked to who have been up there for years said it was the worst (as far as big bucks down) that they've seen in years. It was different hunting along side rifle guys, but really wasn't too bad.......most just shook their heads when they saw what I was carrying.

Lastly, I sure enjoyed the hunt up there......even though I arrowed a buck smaller than what I passed on opening weekend. That's the gamble you take sometimes, I guess. I felt blessed just to be chasing those bucks....and satisfied I was able to do it with a bow after a lot of folks said no way in hell. Hope you enjoy the photos.



Congratulations, that's a good looking buck. I've rarely seen a buck with a broken tine. It's amazing (and frustrating, I'm sure) that you saw so many.
Roy, you are the man!!! It's unbelievable how you consistently put trophy animals on the ground with a bow.

Congrats on another fine trophy. You sure have a lot of success with that stick and string.
Congrats on doing it the hard way. I really like the last pic you posted.
Great buck! I like the story and the super pics to go with it. That is a really hard hunt to draw so congratulations on pulling that tag. Looks like you have had a pretty good year in the field.

I applied for that hunt from the first year they offered it and never drew a tag.

I helped a friend who drew a tag one time and he missed a giant 3x3 that was really tall like yours and super heavy. I also caped 2 bucks for a man and his wife back in the early 80's one was a perfect 4x4 28" wide not too heavy but perfectly symetrical. The other was a massive 11x13 with bases that were larger than my wrists and palmated points. The eye guards were about 5 inches tall. They had just moved from somewhere on the east coast and decided to apply for a hunt. They were drawn the first year and bagged a couple of magnificent bucks.

All I have to show for my efforts are 5 preference points, too bad they didn't offer them when I started trying for that tag I probably would have drawn one before I moved.
Roy.....good call on going for Mr. Narrow. What a cool lookin' buck....the broken tines just adds more character to em' IMO.

Way to stick with it and get it done. Almost equally impressive is you made it out of there without being shot. Gettin' that close to some of those bucks while people are shootin' rifles could be a little dicey.

Congrats on another great hunt.....beautiful pictures as well. Look forward to seeing you AZ pics in Jan. :)
You should start your own huntin show Roy !
Once again, great buck and great job going archery in the land of rifles !