NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Wife went fishing


New member
Dec 10, 2000
California, or Texas
I just came home to get something to eat, check mail then get back to work. There is a not on the stove " went fishing, ahve the cell phone, be back latter, Love ya"

Last night I told her I don't have time to go fishing this weekened, maybe in 2 weeks.

Oh well


"When a man lies he murders some part of the world"

Cliff Burton
I call my wife the big fish pig, in that if we go she catches the biggest one of the day more than her share. She thinks it funny and ribs me, and I tell her it is because she has such a good gide that runs the boat and all the other stuff while she gets to fish.olefish
She did pretty good. When she goes fishing with me she usualy catches the first fish, the biggest fish, and the most fish.

She IS a better fisherman than me, I will admit that.

hntrjhn, mine too!!! and she knows it!!! but, we are truly lucky to have wives that share our interests.Give my wife a flyrod and a winding river and shes good to go! :D

Olefish, guess im not the only one using that one :D :D :D :D
so far I have been lucky, april hasnt ever caught a fish. we went trout fishing one time and me and a buddy caught 100's she caught none. we were all using the same bait and was watching the fish bite the hook from over the bridge. She only been fishing on the boat 2 times in three years and been skunked kids out did her and me.

Now I sign her up for a bass club and so far she hasnt been able to fish it( 4 tourneys now). to many babysitters cancled just befor we leave. I would like to get her started on a small mouthbass as first fish cause they really put up a fight. hopefully one day soon.

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