where did everybody go?

yelp ,yelp, yelp, cluck ,cluck, purrrrrrrrrrrrr put, put, put, put :D:D:D:D
DKO.... You ever see the Movie "The Emporers New Groove" ?~?~?~? You sound like that guy speaking Squirl at the end of the Movie :D :D

C.H. What is there to talk about Turkeys All year long..... I see there are a few in the Political Section Talking "LIKE" turkeys..... but actually Turkey talk ?~?~? Hehehe J/K .....

Here's one for ya.... How many guns do ya take when You travel hunting for Turkey..... I know True Bowhunters always Bring 2 bows.... Do you do the same with Shotguns ?~?~? Do ya have a Lucky one ?

Keeping things Going.......
Aw c'mon Moosie all you have to do is to use your pan.

Once you remove it the turkeys will die from laughing. hehehehehehehe :D :D :eek:

CTH I can talk about turkeys year round too.
Shift focus onto other game but the Wild Turkey is always there is my mind.