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Water Heater replacement Ford vs Chevy on brands?

We run the tankless at our lodge in Alaska, there was a dramatic learning curve in the maintenance issues but we’ve resolved that and even learned how to replace blown heating coil elements with Salvaged copper wire. True. In any event they are great in that application but just don’t think they are worth it in my home.
Biggest problem with the tankless other than cost is a water flow interruption. Power outage on a well kind of thing. All it takes is one little air bubbles to destroy the elements.
The install of our unit went somewhat smooth. Had an issue when the guy under the house cut the wrong gas line requiring some "temporary" work to be done to the main feed line which will require them to come back to resolve that issue. Overall I am VERY happy with the unit. 2 showers and a washing machine running at the same time and no loss of pressure or temperature.

I cut the old unit open to see how bad it was and found a disaster. the cold water tube was broken off and rotted laying in the bottom, the anode was one of the multi-piece ones and only the wire was there. The bottom of the unit had about 3 inches of sand in it and a spot on the tank was blistered (rust) to the point that we were close to developing a leak.

Not concerned about power outages as we have a small generator that will run the unit IF we need to.

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