Utah Swan Success

For anyone that wants to experience a swan hunt, put in for a tag in Utah and I’ll be happy to help you! Shooting decoying swans is a blast!
Usually pretty easy to draw? Something I've wondered about but never dug much into it.
Next question, how do they fare on the table?

In my opinion, swans are some of the best tasting waterfowl. During the fall migration the birds get a 'nutty' flavor from living on the rhizomes of the Sago Pondweed. A swan tongue is even designed to rake off the pondweed rhizomes (some call them seeds) from the plant.

I’ll usually do pastrami with the swan breasts, and slow cook the thighs (bone out) in brown gravy.
My Daughter and I did that hunt last year and it was a blast. I'm not a water fowl hunter and so I don't have a boat or decoys or anything really and I live 3 hours away from the area so I hired a guide for the first time in my life. It was well worth it to have someone that knows what they are doing and has all the equipment.
Damn way cool…that’s be like shooting down a plane lol, what loads are you using for those beasts?

Thanks! In my experience, swans don’t have a strongest will to live. In the past, I’ve used the same loads to kill swans as I have used to kill ducks. The key is getting them close and then shoot for the head/neck area. I’m not a sky buster and will pass on marginal shots all day long to get one in the decoys.

This swan as killed with a 20 gauge 3” shell loaded with TSS #9 shot. At the sound of the shot, this bird crumpled and hit the water stone dead.
I saw in your original post the 20ga and you were using TSS but I would have NOT even imagined #9 shot! Well done sir and I’m impressed on your patience for waiting to get them right on the deck!