unloading t/c prohunter after unsuccessful hunt

huntin' lunatic

Active member
Nov 26, 2009
Western Tennessee
Getting ready for the 2 week, late season hunt here in Texas. Say you go out in the morning and you do'nt see anything. Is it ok just to remove primer since you are going back out tht afternoon? Or should you go ahead and remove breech plug and push out the sabot and pellets? And how long do some of ya'll leave it loaded? thanks, rookie.
My opinion, it depends on if you had a dry hunt?? If it was foggy, raining or snowy even just a little i would unload run a dry patch then a seasoned patch to prevent rust in the barrel, next morning or whenever reload with fresh components.

if i had a dry hunt, i take out the primer only and tie trail marking tape around my gun to remind me that it has no primer and that it is partially loaded, i put the hammer down, safety on and back into the safe( if you have no safe then i do not recommend that you do this.)

I never leave my rifle this way for more than a day.
I have no idea what the cost would be, but I personally would just take another practice shot to unload the weapon. Even at 5 bucks it's worth not leaving a loaded weapon around whether it's locked up or not IMHO.
I leave mine loaded for weeks at a time. Once was nearly 6 months... It won't rust if it hasn't been fired.

You should have your rod marked for a full 'charge' so to see if its loaded run the rod down the barrel.

Get a CO2 unloader if you really want to unload it. It will blow the bullet and powder out the barrel, run a patch down and call it good.

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