NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Sweetwater Texas packing list


New member
Dec 13, 2009
Case of shells, over/under, beer, jack daniels, copenhagen, cigars, jalepenos, bacon, bucket seat, sun glasses, snake boots, beer, water, sig p-220, mojos, decoys, charcoal,
beer, kielbasa, eggs, coolers, dog, archery target, bow, beer.

Getting ready for opening day of dove. Hunting Sweetwater Texas opening 3 days, hunting sunflower fields in Greenville the 1st weekend. Birds seem to be in great abundance this year. Nothing like good friends, good food, and cold beer to kick off hunting season. This is one southern traditon that this Damn Yankee looks forward to every year. The smell of doves wrapped with bacon cooking on the grill, a cold beer, and a little archery practice/competition while dinner is cooking. If anyone else is getting ready to go, lets hear about it.
Should be a great dove season. Have a great time and take lots of pics to share.
moosie, no atv needed, in texas they gonna drive the kingranchf350 on 44's and hunt dubs offa the tailgate. That said hope you have a good hunt, and I'm thinking some are gonna fall here in Boise, wednesday night.
Day one - our group of 7 had 105 birds down in a little over an hour. 2nd day was just a little slower. Had 70 birds down before 11am. Birds are in abundance this year.
2010 Dove season

Three of my buddies and myself, will be taking a group of teenagers up to Northeast Texas for a weekend hunt. I am not sure the numbers will compare to what I experienced in West Texas for the opener, but we will do our best to insure the younger generation has a great time. I can not express the enjoyment of seeing the excitement in these kids getting ready for this hunt. Several of them are on the high school football team, and they have to get a win tonight to be excused from watching the game film tomorrow. I am always reminding my son, that these really are the glory days he is living right now. They should be relished, not blown off as just another day.
We found out one of the hunters on the far end of the field we were hunting got bit by a rattler yesterday. Hope he will be ok.
For all of the Quail hunters out there - I have never seen, and heard so many birds before. Looks like they really had a great breeding season, and survival rate. Locals are saying this will be the best season in over a decade. Looking forward to this hunt later in the year.