Caribou Gear Tarp

Skijoring/Scootering with your dog?


New member
Dec 11, 2000
A new way to keep in shape for hunting.
About a year ago I got a new dog .
She came as a stray, I found the owners after two days and took her back ,they kept her locked in the garage for two weeks untill she ran off again when the door garage was opened , she was then picked up by animal control .
The mom called me because her husband would not let them get her out and she was going to put down.
My plan was to get her out ,have her spayed ,dewormed and vac. then find her a good home LOL.
This dog needed something more to do,she is very smart and active.
Soooo now I have a dog that is trained ,we took a 10 week course,and she goes camping and to archey shoots with us all the time,but she still has ALOT of energy.
I needed some way to get us both out and working harder.
I started running with her on my Mt. Bike but didnt want her pulling with a regular coller,she learned to heal with the Mt.Bike but loves to run .
I started looking at new fun things to do with her.
I found some dog sites that have info. on Skijoring ,Kicksledding & Scootering with your dog/dogs.

I ended up getting an X-back harness with a tug line and a diggler scooter LOL.
We are now training her to pull.
It looks like just the thing for a dog and owner that needs more then walking can give them.
We live in town so our options during the work-week are limited to when I can get to the off leash dog park or canal.
These scooters and made for around town and on dirt trails.
I figure this will help keep me in shape and at the same time give my dog something to do.
I hate to excercize at the gym,and I am not into hiking just to hike (hiking to hunt is another thing).

What types of things do the rest of you do with your dogs to keep them happy and sane ?
What types of things do the rest of you do with your dogs to keep them happy and sane ?

To keep the dog insane:

I let the kids rig up there own dog exercising equipment


Let the girls keep him busy.


and I make him guard the grill when I have steaks on it.



That sounds great guys....

It is always good to put these extremely active dogs to doing some thing, even after a long hike I will still put mine on an out of the way dirt road and add another four or five miles running before he gets to where he wants to get in the truck and rather ride...
This is Kahluas favorite activity. Staying in an air conditioned or heated house. She is about 11 in this pic.
My dog will entertain herself pointing butterflies and grasshoppers all summer long. During the evenings the kids can get her to do "crazy dog". That consists of getting her all fired up she tears around the yard at full blast pole bending around the kids.

We do hikes and walks amost daily with her. Used to run with her, but I think my knees are done with running until i get some new cartlidge installed.

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