Yeti GOBOX Collection

Scouting a New Area

Apr 14, 2016
I'm interested in knowing how you all go about scouting a new area, both e-scouting and boots on the ground. What types of things do you look for? I grew up hunting in Idaho on the same unit my great grandfather first started hunting, but I am now starting to hunt in Utah, and I'm trying to learn how to effectively scout/learn a new area. Obviously a huge part of that is boots on the ground, but if I can focus that effort through e-scouting, I would love to be more efficient.
If there are already threads about this, please let me know. I'll be using the search function as well to try to find any posts on this as well.
It's going to sound simple, but I look for deer. Sure, I'll do some e-scouting, where I'll look for a variety of things, cover, water, proximity to feed (crops), but ultimately it comes down to going out there and sitting around. I'll usually give a new spot one or two visits where I can glass a huge area early in the morning or late in the evening, and determine if the quality of buck that I want is there.

Last year, for example, I scouted a half-dozen or more spots in July, found the deer I wanted to kill, then spent August patterning him.





Most of my hunts are in different areas every year. I start with a few PM'S to get enough info to narrow down the unit then i will go spend a few days in the summer learning the roads/access/glassing points. At least 1 trip somerimes more. I dont care if i see animals i just want to learn the area. I will then show up early 3-5 days on elk or deer 1-2 for antelope. After that i hunt the best buck/bull. l i did spend 25 days scouting for my desert ram. Then 9 days to tag out.