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Protecting our Elk and Deer Populations in Montana (and neighbors)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
Lloyd Dorsey sent me a link for us to send a message to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, concerning stopping the elk winter feeding. They are meeting May 9th, in CO, and would like public comments to be sent ahead of time to help reinforce the need to implement the court mandated phasing out of the winter feeds grounds.

This is very important to us in Montana (though it is important to all connecting states and Wyoming). Radio collared elk from those feed grounds have been tracked to Montana, according to the FWP Region 3 elk brucellosis presentation. This not only affects the health of our elk herds concerning brucellosis, but especially CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease), which was documented (more cases go undocumented) 25 miles from the feed grounds this last fall, and other diseases as well. We cant afford to have CWD get into the feed grounds and spread it to Montana or neighboring herds. Once the CWD prions have been introduced to our environment (soil), the prions will remain active for 25 years or longer, possibly infecting and decimating our wildlife for generations. As conservationists, wildlife advocates, and hunters, we need to call attention to the responsible science that dictates the proper course of action - shutting down the feed grounds, as well as the legal court mandated action of phasing out the unnatural feeding of our wildlife, which creates high concentrations of elk - breeding grounds for disease.

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