PawClaws, You got a problem?


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
If you have a problem with me, keep it over her in SI. Don't be a coward and go hiding your little obscene thoughts around the site.

I don't appreciate having to get E-Mails from others, letting me know of your Cowardly comments.

Dont know what the org comments said but dont do it again ELkgunner editing posts this far out is rediculous. editing now has a 120 min time limit

added org comments back title was only changed. ;)


[ 07-15-2004, 18:42: Message edited by: Delw ]
KMA ElkGunner; and that does not mean Keep Me Advised! And you know brother; I really don't give a fat rat's what you do or do not appreciate.
Besides SI is for Sportsmen's Issues; not "Adult" related subjects. Of course I understand how you might have difficulty understanding the word "adult!"
You would think a highly educated genius who is from
In Your Face or On Your Side Pick One
who demands respect would have the decency to post opinions of others where all could read.

Wanna find out for yourself Bubba? Name it. Place and time; I'll be there!! :D (Notice I don't hide my name and address!
Wow!!! Such strong words from a weasel....

I assure you I have way too many things going on in my life to waste time meeting with you. I have yet to see any value you add to making any place or thing better in this world.

There are so many more people in this world who I would love to spend time with, but don't have the time. You, on the other hand, don't interest me at all as a person who would be worth my time.
Yeppers Paws, I am scared of you.... You got me shaking in my Birkenstocks....

Just don't be a coward, and all is good.

PS. you might want to get a life....

Be careful of the delicate genius. I think that was a Seifeld episode.


Why do you post so much about meeting some one to kick their ass? I have yet to figure you out. Tell me what EG has done to you personally that would amount to anything.

I think you have developed an unhealthy obession with EG, to the point of making him a huge part of your Interests in your profile: "Slapping EGs Tits Off". Again what has EG done to you personally that would matter to anyone in Ohio? Do your loved ones repect you less because EG called you a name? Did EG have one of your degrees get taken away? Help me out here. Why do you demand respect but feel no need to give it? Just curious.

I suppose that is a fair question if posed in sincerity. I don't care for EGs attitude. I don't care for his putting others down simply because their opinions, activities, social structure, etc, may be a bit different than his. I also get the feeling that he "Lords" his relationship with Moosie over the "dues paying" members. That makes me a bit uncomfortable; possibly overly aggressive, when dealing with him. I don't enjoy being belittled, ridiculed, or made fun of when I am being serious. When all is in jest; no problem. I demand his respect simply because I am his elder and have paid my dues; I have earned it. Now let us see how quickly he can come back with a smart assed answer and you can add that to my list as well. Well; you did ask!

That is funny. I had no idea that Paws was that obsessed with me. I can't imagine anybody having so little self-worth that they have to obsess with others.

I guess you learn something every day... :eek:

Here is the part I don't think you are understanding. Moosie and EG are friends and apparently spend a lot of time together. Curious why that makes you uncomfortable?

Here is something else I don't understand:
I demand his respect simply because I am his elder and have paid my dues; I have earned it .
How does anyone know that you have paid your dues? I have not personally witnessed your dues paying. NOTE I AM NOT SAYING YOU HAVEN'T PAID YOUR DUES. I am asking how any of us would know that. There are many people older then me who I do not respect. John Kerry comes to mind. Would you rather have EG fake respect for you or actually respect you?

I am not sure I respect you but then again I don't even know you so why would that matter? We are all using screen names and posting on the internet, for all I know you could be a 35 year old lady. I don't think you are but how do I know. Anyway why not just let EG state whatever and then ignore it?

I am just trying to understand your motivation. I know what EG's is.


When did you "earn" respect? You threatened to sue me when I called BS on your story about Harley being the number one nameplate in Japan.

That sounds to me more like you don't deserve any respect. :eek:

Moosie and I don't spend that much time together, it is just that I can draw out a story, to make it seem like it... ;)

Last time you mentioned legal tactics, Paws had his Melt-down and left the board....

Actually, right now, I have to wait until one of his lies gets me un-invited from a hunt, then I have economic damages.

Until then, Libel is a stupid issue to sue for...

We all learn something every day, and today, thanks to Nemont, I learned just how obsessed Paws is with me. I wonder if I should get a restraining order on him, kinda like John Hinckley.... :rolleyes:
hmmmm..... Darlings there are no reason to argue!!!! We are amongst friends here. Personally I don’t like seeing ya’ll argue and I think it is very childish. Bad mouthing another person just makes you look bad. I personally don’t look down on the person you are bad mouthing; I look down upon the person bad mouthing the other.

Why don’t you kiss and make up and stop with the childish threats and move on to more important things in life! If I wanted to read about angry people bad mouthing each other I would go back to High School.

I love ya’ll so Please Just get along and don’t waste your time on talking smack, spend your time and energy with your loved ones and doing things that make you happy. Life is short Live It Up : D

If you don't Make Up I will personally go over and smack the both of you upside the head ;) ;) ;)
"Actually, right now, I have to wait until one of his lies gets me un-invited from a hunt, then I have economic damages."

Any more questions Nemont? ElkGunner; I dearly hope you do sue me; I encourage it. Please do so. In the meanwhile; I would bemore than happy to simply ignore the fact that you even exist!
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