Now former lurker ;)


New member
Aug 20, 2019
Hey so I am just entering year 3 of a 10 year plan to get out of the 'stealth socialist hell-hole' that is the UK (Englishman born and rised fyi) looking to move to the US after I am done with University as a mature student.

Having been raised with an awareness of where meat comes from and how its processed to the point where you see it on the shelf ready to buy, hunting has always seemed a more ethical and reasonable way of getting meat on the table.
At least when done according to the rules and regulations (written and unwritten) that exist in the US.

Also having done some air-gun target shooting here in the UK I look forward to participating in a wider range of shooting sports when I get my arse 'over the pond' full time.

I will say that everything I have read while lurking on this forum up to this point has only helped reinforce my drive to complete my 'plan'.

To preempt the inevitable questions about my 'plan'.
Years 1-2 build myself up academically to the point where I can apply to enter University.
Year 3 in the Uk you apply to Uni a year ahead of your start date so I will use this 'extra' year to reinforce my academics ready for strting Uni along with getting the funding firmly in place.
Years 4-8 full time University studying towards an Meng in Aerospace Engineering.
Years 9-10+ jumping through the hoops to emigrate to the US.

Anyway this is where I am at and where I am aiming for down the road.

From "the dark heart of Sherwood Forest", later people.
Welcome! Been there, and there are a few other members from your neck of the woods.
Welcome from Colorado. I spent a semester abroad at UEA in Norwich. I loved every about your country except the policies on wildlife. Norwich had as many pubs as days of the year. Incredible acheivment.
Welcome aboard! plan sounds good, immigration will be easier if you can find an employer to sponsor (and even then it’s gotten difficult). I’ll be transiting Heathrow Saturday morning, which is wayyyy down the list of ‘airports I like connecting in’
Welcome aboard from Idaho.

Ambitious plan so get to work and good luck!
Just waiting on the results of my exam to plug that into the UCAS (the system ALL UK Universities use for applications) system to apply to the 3 Universities I have short listed.

Also I thank you for 'them positive waves man'.
Welcome aboard! plan sounds good, immigration will be easier if you can find an employer to sponsor (and even then it’s gotten difficult). I’ll be transiting Heathrow Saturday morning, which is wayyyy down the list of ‘airports I like connecting in’

Hey, so I have already been looking at places I would like to work. I know this is WAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY early but you never know what you are gonna find if you dont go looking.

As for Heathrow, never suffered that level of hell myself but I probably will as I get closer to making my great escape.
Welcome! No idea what your plan is for hunting when you get over here, but now would be the time to pick up some preference points if you wanted to come over and get on some pretty good hunts early on!
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Welcome! No idea what your plan is for hunting when you get over here, but now would be the time to pick up some preference points if you wanted to come over and get on some pretty good hunts early on!
Work has because of the UK leaving the EU being a constantly moving goal line rather slow for printing firms. So the stupid situation is that if I get into my 1st choice Uni I will have greater disposable income and a more reliable cash flow than I do now.

There is also the slight issue that the UK Uni year runs mid-September through to early/late June so it would have to be early season hunts and I would only want to do so if I could be sure that the meat was going to be used.

Something for sure to have a close look at though, both as you say to build preference points in those states that use that system and as a just prior to the start of the new academic stress reliever.
So a fast update for those who may be interested.

I am getting through the UCAS application forms (all online with a save feature fortunately).

BUT I am hating writing the 'personal statement' that is a BIG part of the application because I only have 4000 figures (including spaces and blank lines) and 47 lines to work with. In this limited space I have to justify that I not only understand what I am getting into, but why I want to study this particular subject. Also I have to sell myself like a combined cover letter and CV and express ideas for my future beyond graduation.

At least formal qualifications and work experience have their own sections.

Ahh!! well! deadline is not till Jan 15th and I am aiming to have my application all done and sent by mid-Nov.

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