New from AZ


May 20, 2020
Used to hunt archery elk years ago in Arizona. It's been a long time but decided to get back into it. Was fortunate enough to get drawn on a late-season rifle elk hunt in Unit 8. My FHF bino harness and gear came in the mail today but still waiting on my new Leupold BX-5 Santiam HD 12x50 binoculars. This will be my first time hunting Unit 8 so I will be spending most of July in Unit 8 just getting to know the area. In the meantime, I've been hiking a mountain trail 4x per week to get in shape and looking over On-X Maps. Will probably be hunting this one by myself. Of my 4 kids my twin boys are both apprentice lineman and won't have any vacation time to speak of. My one daughter who wants to hunt is only building points since she is just starting her masters of Biology at ASU supposedly starting this Fall. My other daughter has 2 years left in her nursing program but doesn't want to hunt. My wife is happy for me but also not her thing. Still, I am stoked about getting into the mountains and look forward to hunting with my kids in the not too distant future. Building points in some other western states. Maybe the old man can provide some motivation! Wish me luck!
Welcome to HT! Congratulations on the tag- sounds like you've got a solid plan. This forum is full of great hunting stories, so please add to it and share along the way! For those of us without tags this year, and those of us scheming future hunts, we'll be following along!
Thanks, everyone, and YoungGun I'll do just that...I know a late season rifle elk hunt will be tough but definitely going to give it my all. I've already lost 12 pounds hiking the mountains. Nothing like an elk hunt to motivate you!
Hey, AZBridger, thanks for the welcome from another Arizonan. Yeah, Dirtclod, just remember that the Arizona elk draw is usually over by February 12th. June 9th is the deadline for deer/bighorn/javalina. And
Ashersdad, I'm definitely blessed. Being a father was and is the best! Now I'm reaching a new transition in life and looking forward to building new family traditions and memories.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
Hey DaveAZ, nice to see another new guy from Arizona! I have not hunted Unit 8 yet but I did scout it just a little bit last year and have some spots marked on my OnX, would be happy to share what I know. I drew for Unit 22N late season last year so I know how tough the late season hunts can be! Let me know if I can offer any help!
The 8 late hunt is crowded. It can be done though. Hopefully you have the time because after opening weekend you practically have the place to yourself. At least until the cow hunters start showing up on Wednesday.

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