Moving Sale


New member
Apr 28, 2001
Yesterday Lady Nutcracker and I went into town to check on some prices on Hardi Boards, so we can reside our house.. On the way we spy this sighn that says "Huge Moving Sale" :rolleyes: We stop to see if there is anything that we just can't live without...

Well stuck back in a stall in the barn was this roll top desk hump I asked if it was for sale and for how much?? 15 BUCKS :eek: I liked to have broke my arm getting to my wallet :eek: It needs a little cleaning but its in good shape.. Outside of the 302 spinning reel that I got a few years ago, this is the best deal that I have got in quite awhile :D

Nice find Tony. Clean it up nice and you will be enjoying it for many years to come. You never know what you can come across at those sales, and belive me, we have come across many terrific buys. Now we just have to wait for them to start back up. We recently got a nice buy at a moving sale, back in Dec/Jan. It was another picture from the same photographer that we had hanging everywhere when you were here. We got it for I think a couple hundred, value over $1800. We also got a computer for free, which we traded to our computer guy to work on all three of our computers. Hurry up spring and yard sales. :)
We also got a 12 volt drop light (that hooks to your car battery), and a mounting plate for 5 gal jeep gas cans...All in all I spent 20 bucks :D

Not too bad for a Rookie hump

That is a great deal Tony....
It sounds like you are the envy of Bill ;)
If you clean that desk up, I bet you might be able to double, or even tripple what you paid for it from some one here... :D

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