NEW SITKA Ambient 75


You looking to buy a voucher... cause other than than I'm not sure how this post really helps you.
Either a voucher or tag for sale.
You can’t sell a tag, just a voucher, and even then only the landowner or their agent can sell them.

Just be careful you don’t want to get in hot water illegally brokering a tag.
Gotcha. I was unsure if that was the case. Not trying to do any illegal activity. Thx for the update.
Gotcha. I was unsure if that was the case. Not trying to do any illegal activity. Thx for the update.

Didn’t think you were the law with vouchers is a bit hard to understand.

That said a landowner can sell you a voucher, although typically it’s packaged as a guided or semi guided hunt on their ranch (private land only tags).There are open vouchers as well that are good on public lands.