Idaho sawtooth elk b Tag


New member
Oct 27, 2019
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone had any advice to give me on hunting the sawtooth area. I was lucky enough to get a tag this year and it will be my first year every hunting. I have been up the past couple of weekend and have not had any luck. I’ll be going this coming weekend and hoping to fill my tag. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Killed my 6 by 6 on opening day. Partner killed a bigger 6 Saturday a few miles away. Advise - Get out of your truck and go hiking. Both bulls killed just over a mile from a road. Couldn't hear vehicles at the kill sites nor see a road. Most the hunters in the area just drive around.
Killed my 6 by 6 on opening day. Partner killed a bigger 6 Saturday a few miles away. Advise - Get out of your truck and go hiking. Both bulls killed just over a mile from a road. Couldn't hear vehicles at the kill sites nor see a road. Most the hunters in the area just drive around.
Thank you appreciate the advice. We have been doing some hiking been running into a lot of fresh elk poop but seem to be to far behind them. Exciting to have at least one more weekend.
Yea I have been camping out for the last two weekends I take off Friday and come back Sunday. Gonna give it another go this weekend but in a different area. Thanks for the advice.
We will be hunting zones 35 and 36 this year for elk and mule deer. What are the chances looking like? We are stubborn old mules that don’t mind putting in the miles. Sawtooth area is where we will be, packing in and camping for opening gun season.
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