Idaho Ap. Sent


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2002
Applied for a controlled anterlered elk tag yesterday and hopefully the hunt gods will smile down upon me and bless me with a tag and i can abandon general season this year. The odds for the hunt really, really suck but success rates are really high(60-80% over the past few years) and the percentage of 6pts is also really high. I guess we'll see. The only time I ever applied for a controlled elk hunt before this was a cow tag when I was fourteen, I got that tag and elk so maybe I've still got some of the luck. If moosie can draw a sheep tag, I should be able to get an elk tag, right? :confused:
Good luck Tone.
Good luck Tone..
If that doesn't work, jump into Wy. you can pretty much buy them over the counter...
Good Luck Tone. We put in for unit 50 and 49 so got the fingers crossed.Can anybody shed some light on these areas for me? We will be up early to scout but new country to us. Looking forward to it. :D
I, too, waited til the last minute to get my apps in. The gal at WalMart was pissy because there were a bunch of hunters like myself who waited until the last minute to get the draw info in. WAA WAA WAA!!! The system was extremely slow so I know there are a lot of others getting their crap together as well. Elk, deer, and antelope for me. In less than a month I will get the dreaded "Sorry, you're a dumb@$$ who has to hunt the general season. Thanks for the $19.50 sucker - F&G!!"