PEAX Equipment



New member
Dec 19, 2000
Sulphur,IN U.S.A.
I am reading a book by DR. Ken Nordberg.
This guy claims that scrapes have absolutly nothing to do with does,but serve only as a warning sign to other bucks.
(I think he is a nut)
Well, in a way he's right. Scrapes are territorial markings. A buck is basically saying that "everything inside the scrape line is mine. I am the dominate buck. You other guys keep out." Isn't that why bucks make scrapes?? The fact that does come along and mark them also only says "Hi bigboy. I'm here and I'm ready." At least that's that way I always understood it. :cool:
Sure,they are a boundary marking,this guy claims that does dont mark scrapes or nothing.He says that myth comes from pen raised deer.
Sounds to me like the boy needs a couple of days in the woods during the Elk rut. Let me step in a Elk Scrape and then say they have nothing to do with females. Aw well, Some folks just view stuff differently. :cool: