PEAX Equipment

Get the juces flowing ..lets see


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Outside the Beltway
some pic's of memorable hunts from the past;

This one was my son's Jake's hunt at 15 his 2nd bird taken on his 1st day pass at a military school he was attending. He is now at ISU 1st year and I will not be able to hunt with him, so this is a treasure for me. 1 hour and 30 minutes into the hunt I called this monster in. 26 pounds 11" beard 1 1/2" spurs.


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Just sent in our applications the other night, fingers are crossed as I sure do like hunting them noisy buggers.

Very nice bird.
My turkey juices flow all year aroiund without you posting that awesome bird!
I hate to tell this to www but I took a buddy on his first Rio hunt. Hunting was actually tuff, a new experience for me on Rio's. On second day, we finally had one come into set up. He said take him, Tom, you called him in but I politely insisted he take him which he did. One inch spurs.....Ol azzhole me was looking at him with my binocs focused on spurs......afore you give me sheit, his burds beard was longer than the one I took that afternoon....with 1 1/2-inch spurs....I like spurs!