Florida Whitetail Scouting


Active member
Aug 4, 2019
Hey everyone, just got back from a day of scouting a management area that I’m going to be hunting this November. I hunted it last year, and with last years scouting and this years scouting I feel like I’m not really seeing anything worthwhile. There’s pretty much two kinds of habitat on the WMA. Super thick hard woods with no more than 10 yard visibility, or wide open pine stands. I’ve been scouting the edges where the two meet but any apparent game trails that I did find seemed to be old as there were no tracks/very few tracks. This sign just seems to be very few and far between.

Im extremely new (last year was my first year hunting) so am I just hoping for too obvious of sign? Or does it sound like I’m just not finding the golden spot yet. Thanks in advance! I really look forward to any advice anyone can give.
Just my opinion. From my 30 years hunting there. 1) Look in the thick stuff. 2) you will not find trails like you see on tv of the midwest and western whitetail. I think that is because the deer dont weigh near as much and deer can literally live anywhere in florida the food and water supply there is generally endless. They will have their favorite oak trees and food sources of course but dont count on it looking like a cow trail going to it. If you are getting your vision of what deer hunting in Florida on a wildlife area is going to be like from any kind of tv you are going to be greatly disappointed. Oak thickets and travel corridors will be your best bet. We generally hunted travel to and from oak thickets just because deer often aren't there until dark . Where in Florida are you?
I’ve definitely learned it’s not going to be like anything you see anywhere. Florida definitely seems to be in its own unique league. When it comes to the thick stuff how do you hunt it? It seems impossible to hang a stand in the and have any visibility. And would you say if I’m finding trails that they’d be worthwhile to sit on even if the sign isn’t terribly obvious? I’m hunting the Croom WMA in Brooksville by the way.
Only hunted croom a couple of times but citrus right next door killed a few deer there. It can be very hard hunting. But yes a faint trail can be a good trail. Fresh tracks can be hard to see especially on the pine needle floors.
I’m confident in the WMA itself, I know it’s just a process of narrowing it down. If you think eliminating the pine stands is a good start that would definitely cut down on places to scout which is a good thing. I only have a climber and a sort of ground blind now but may consider buying a ladder stand or hang on next year. I will say, even though I only saw about 10-15 does last year, they were all out of a spot that was only about 50 yards off the main road near a power line stretch. Think it’d be worth it to hunt that area again despite no bucks?
I cant say eliminate them because I've killed deer in them but more transition areas. Now if you're just talking 100 year old pine trees with 0 undergrowth then yes as beautiful as they are you probably aren't going to find much in them. If your talking about rolling sandhills with pines on them we killed deer traveling thru those. Look for ridges for crossing. Again they will be hard to see trails but deer often use them. We only hunted out of climbers so I wouldnt worry about dragging a big ladder stand anywhere unless you want to. We often killed deer near roads to as they often like to parallel them so I think your spot from last year could be a good start. Seeing any deer in Florida is a great start. I would try to figure out where they were coming from in the evenings and get closer to there. If you are seeing them in the mornings where are they going? Get closer to there in the mornings. Bucks will be first to bed in the morning and last leave in the evening (in general of course)
Okay thanks a lot I’ll be honest that gave me a good bit of confidence that maybe I’m doing something right. In the end though I do genuinely just love being out there and anything more is just extra
I did find a clear cut that had quite a few trails throughout it. It was only about an acre or two but the grass was at least hip/chest high. While I was was walking through it I had something crash through the brush on the other side. Think it could be a bedding/feeding area? Seems like they could get everything they need right there. Also found a pile of what appeared to be deer bones there, not sure what to make of that, but I assume someone was lucky there last year
I grew up hunting Florida deer. If you can kill one on public in FL you can kill anything anywhere. Find the thickest grown over clear cut you can find. Go the the very back farthest point from road. It’s probably going to be on the edge of a swamp. Climb as high as you’re comfortable and wait. Use your bingos to pick the cover apart. Constantly be looking. They’ll show up then disappear just as quick in that thick cover. I’ve killed a bunch of deer on public with that formula. Rubs, scrapes, etc are nice but everything changes when people start going into the woods. Fresh droppings is the only sign that matters. Hunt mid week if possible, and sit all day if possible. Shoot the first legal deer you see. Once you get a few under your belt, then you can get picky if you want.
I grew up hunting Florida deer. If you can kill one on public in FL you can kill anything anywhere. Find the thickest grown over clear cut you can find. Go the the very back farthest point from road. It’s probably going to be on the edge of a swamp. Climb as high as you’re comfortable and wait. Use your bingos to pick the cover apart. Constantly be looking. They’ll show up then disappear just as quick in that thick cover. I’ve killed a bunch of deer on public with that formula. Rubs, scrapes, etc are nice but everything changes when people start going into the woods. Fresh droppings is the only sign that matters. Hunt mid week if possible, and sit all day if possible. Shoot the first legal deer you see. Once you get a few under your belt, then you can get picky if you want.
This is great advice. Been hunting FL public for 25+ years off and on. I don’t hunt FL public to fill the freezer. I hunt it for the love of the outdoors and the challenge of the terrains. I fill my freezer in Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, and I hope to add Colorado to the list with my and my brothers first CO hunt. Don’t let it beat you up. I have gone full seasons without a legal buck in range. If you can stand it. Get a bow and hunt does to cut your teeth in FL. Bows have plenty of range in the thick stuff you need to be hunting. Muzzleloader is also a great time in FL to be successful.
Track the main road and find crossings. Set up on them just off the road. As pressure increases, move further back.
Sign reading can be tough this time of year.
All sounds like great advice! Definitely looking forward to getting back out here this week or so. Do you guy ever use trail cameras?
I hope it works out for you man! I'm still chasing my first FL whitetail as well. Maybe we can team up sometime later this year lol. I have a Citrus WMA muzzeloader permit for mid December that I'm hoping to use.
Following this thread, good luck! My fiance and I intend to move to south Florida at some point and I've already started researching hunting opportunities. This WMA is on my spreadsheet of options. Keep letting us know how you do in there!
Following this thread, good luck! My fiance and I intend to move to south Florida at some point and I've already started researching hunting opportunities. This WMA is on my spreadsheet of options. Keep letting us know how you do in there!

I hope you have a reason to move here other than hunting otherwise you're going to be sorely disappointed lol.
Ha. We loathe winter, and she lived on the Gulf side for a number of years prior to coming north. We're both looking forward to a warmer climate.
I grew up in North Florida. Completely different state than south. I still go back and hunt almost every year. Best friend lives near Jasper and has acreage on the Suwannee. Beautiful place to hunt in December and January.
I’m spoiled. I can walk out my back door here in SC and shoot a deer.
Florida’s strong point is the fishing. I highly recommend getting into that as well.

Im looking forward to Croom this year especially because I was lucky and drew a permit for the first 9 days, so I’m hoping that will make a difference.

AJ, how is Citrus? I’ve considered taking a look there. The one negative to Croom is how short the season is there, it’s only a couple of weeks. I’ve considered playing around in Green Swamp because it’s season picks up just after Croom ends and goes until February. That way I can at least spend more time in the woods.
Florida’s strong point is the fishing. I highly recommend getting into that as well.

Im looking forward to Croom this year especially because I was lucky and drew a permit for the first 9 days, so I’m hoping that will make a difference.

AJ, how is Citrus? I’ve considered taking a look there. The one negative to Croom is how short the season is there, it’s only a couple of weeks. I’ve considered playing around in Green Swamp because it’s season picks up just after Croom ends and goes until February. That way I can at least spend more time in the woods.

I've actually never hunted in Citrus. It's over four hours from me. But this year I determined to start scouting and hunting more norther units in the hopes of cooler temperatures and higher deer densities.

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