Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

First time in WY-DIY


New member
Dec 16, 2011
Hey guys, this will be my first time hunting antelope (pending draw)-DIY. I've hunted in central WY 5 years ago with great success, but it was guided. Nothing against guides, but my goals are to hunt DIY now.

I've been sifting through info off the WY G&F site, other sites, Google earth, etc and here's what I've come up with...

I've got 1 PP, and dont want to use it. So does that mean for my first choice, I need to put in for a unit that I cannot draw with 1PP, then put in for a unit that requires 0PP to draw as 2nd choice? That way I can hunt and still earn another PP.

Hopefully that makes sense.

But another question, is if anyone has any useful info for the following units, I would be very appreciative for any info.

Im thinking for the special draw unit 83 or 73 (1st choice), and units 41 and 47 (2nd choice).

If i do the regular draw Im thinking units 25, 39, or 16.

What do you think?

thanks for the help!

Stephen Schwartz
Yes to your main question if you want to save your PP and buy another one this year. As far as where to go, I would skip the Special draw and go in the Regular one with whatever unit you decide you want to hunt and can draw as your second choice. Most units have 80" bucks if you have the time to look around and skip shooting the smaller ones and I assume if you don't want to use your PP that you will still be lookiing for a good buck.
I've got 1 PP, and dont want to use it. So does that mean for my first choice, I need to put in for a unit that I cannot draw with 1PP, then put in for a unit that requires 0PP to draw as 2nd choice? That way I can hunt and still earn another PP.

That's correct.

Im thinking for the special draw unit 83 or 73 (1st choice), and units 41 and 47 (2nd choice).

I'm not sure on 83, but I've looked at 73 and you will draw that 100% with 1 point in the special draw. That would burn your point and you mentioned that you didn't want to do that.

You need to apply for a hard to draw unit with the first choice. 73 is getting a lot of talk on here lately, I was hoping to draw it as a 2nd choice in the special draw, but it will be close.
Let's go over the numbers for unit 73.

For 2011 there were 238 tags allocated to nonresidents. These are split 60% to the regular pool and 40% to the special pool. So that is 142 to the regular draw and 96 to the special draw.

Next they allocate 75% of those tags to the preference point draw and 25% of them to the random draw. That puts 107 in the regular preference point draw, 35 in the regular random draw, 72 in the special preference point draw and finally 24 in the special random draw.

That gives us the starting numbers for the 4 different odds charts on their site.

In 2011, there were 431 folks that applied in the regular draw for unit 73 as their 1st choice.

First they go to the preference point draw. There were 104 folks that had 1.5 or more preference points and they all got tags (you can end up with .5 points if you are party applying with someone with a different number of points than you). That left 3 tags remaining in the regular preference point draw and there were 96 applicants with 1 preference point. Those last 3 tags are drawn from that pool of 96 applicants with a 3.13% chance of drawing. All 107 tags are awarded in the preference point draw.

Here's that odds page -

Next they do the regular random draw. There were 431 first choice applicants in the regular draw and 107 already have tags now from the preference point draw so that leaves 324 folks still looking for a tag. There are 35 regular random draw tags available to draw so that puts the odds of drawing that tag at 10.8%.

Here's that spreadsheet -

Back to the special draw. Preference points go first. There were 72 tags available and 14 folks had .5 points or more. They all get tags. Now there are 69 more folks with unit 73 as their 1st choice and none of them have any points. There are 58 tags remaining and they draw for those. They have an 84.06% chance of drawing one in this part of the draw. That leaves 11 first choice applicants that didn't get one in the special preference point draw.

That spreadsheet -

Now we go to the special random draw. There are 24 licenses available and only 11 first choice applicants that haven't received at tag yet. They all get one! That leaves 13 left for second choice applicants. There are 16 2nd choice applicants and 13 tags left so they have an 81.25% chance of drawing the tag with their 2nd choice.

Last spreadsheet -

Clear as mud?
@npaden- actually that does make sense... or at least more sense that what I understood before. I appreciate you breaking that down for me. So pretty much to save my PP, i need to put in for an 'impossible' unit for my first choice, then a more realistic one for my 2nd.

Thanks for yalls help.

anyone have any experience hunting any of the units mentioned above?

Exactly. Put in for the very hard, nearly impossible, unit to draw and hope to get lucky in the random draw. The random, depending on unit, can be a 100% deal as well, these are the less sought after tags obviously. Good luck in the draw!
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