Eastern Washington Mule Deer

Jswilliams made my morning....lol

The OP already brought this subject up once and aparently didn't get the responses he wanted, so he's back again with the same question. That's troll like in my book. You guys giving him advise about going to Chelan and places like that are wasting your time, since he's already stated he doesn't want to drive that far.

I have helped more than my fair share of people on this sight...people who have shown that they are willing to help themselves and have done research on places. To have people just come on here with their first posts asking for places to go and advise like that is a total kick in the nuts to those of us who hunt hard and research and go out on our own to find places to hunt.

Big Fin needs to make a new board for newbs to give each other hugs and high fives and make each other feel better in their ignorance by swaying together and singing cum by ah. Come on here, introduce yourself, share some stories and pics, tell us what research you've done on your own...then you won't get 'belittled'.

That is all
There is nothing wrong coming on a sight for the first time and asking for help. Nobody expects you to show them your hot spots just a little point in the right direction. Keep asking questions.
Williams.. You're partially right. One thing i've found out is the best thing a guy can do is describe what the ultimate goal is, and along with that provide the information you've already gathered on specifics. At least narrow it down to a unit,or GMU. Do the research. It is easy to sit back on here and ask for a cookie. But believe someone will call you out.
Add in the fact that the OP has been around since 2009 ,and i cant find where he has offered anything too any other thread.Bring something to the table,a smart a$$ remark ,congratulate someone for taking a kid outdoors,offer one of these young guys some encouragement or a point in the right direction. Stick around planehunter you sound like you have something to offer. Where did you hunt when you lived in Colorado?
I agree there are too many on this site that if they had it their way would rid all "newbs" (prolly anyone with <500 posts) and make this forum exclusive to those that "work so hard for 'research' and then 'help' fellow hunters". "Helping" only those in which there is mutual or lateral experience is by no way helping people. Im new to this site yes, but im not new to hunting. I grew up and hunted all my life in the Midwest so while i have "research" (dumbass terminology there) it does not carry over to the western style of hunting. Maybe this guy moved to just like others on this site that are repeatedly neglected by the "almighty Cushmans or Shoots or Wyo". I bet if these guys moved to the south or midwest and wanted help and were shrugged off they would feel a little butthurt too. My point is that as someone who is new to hunttalk and the west, seeing how you guys treat "newbs" is a little rediculous. We are all grown men and there is no need to keep score as a determinate for the offering of help. My 2 cents...shit prolly just lost alot of "friends"
Another good answer. Just because someone has not been here yaking for 5000 posts does not indicate a lack of experience. I have many years of hunting experience with a variety of animals. I guess by some people's standards I am a rookie and that is just fine. When you are a rookie, no one expects much! If I had ever bothered to log onto the website, I would have been here much sooner and since I do like to answer questions, who knows, I may even have hit 5000 by now.:D

As I have already indicated from prior posts, I am more than willing to help anybody that I have the appropriate information to help. I am not going to refuse info just because the person has no experience. For crying out loud! THAT IS WHY PEOPLE GET ON THESE FORUMS!

I thought the whole idea in these forums and hunting in general was to increase interest during a time of shrinking numbers. The biggest enemy hunters have is themselves and their divisiveness. Everyone is a rookie at something, at sometime.
As a PS to my previous post, it seems as though most people that get on forums like this seem to be-for the most part-responsible hunters that are willing to work for their game and do it right. The lions share of info that is available on this type of forum does not pertain to a lazy road warrior as it pertains to legit hunting.

It has never bothered me to give someone information, because either they will put it to good use and be successful which I think is great, or they will fail to work hard enough to take advantage of the information.

Years ago, I started exchanging information with a guy that ended up being a partner on several hunts and we are friends to this day. Don't count a guy out until he proves he is not worthy.
To me it's simple and goes both ways (give and take). That said, I truly hate a first time poster who does not introduce themselves or anything and just wants info from the start. To me that's selfishness and they deserve to be ignored or treated harshly. By all means this isn't therapy, but open up and others will be more willing.
WOW.....what a great response from so many. Some of you are correct, I did not properly introduce myself and for that I apologize. I guess my concern was that while I was looking at various past posts on different sections of this forum there didn't seem to be a lot of recent action. Again my mistake. So to set this straight here's my story. Moved here (WA) in 96 for a job transfer but did not have the time to hunt until this year. I came from a town west of Denver called Arvada Colorado. I have hunted big game (deer, elk and antelope) for 18 years in north and western Colorado. I've hunted game with rifle, handgun and archery, and I consider myself a decent shot and I have been fairly successful in taking game with all weapons. I am not a trophy hunter.
As for what I am asking for is general areas to restart my hunting life with a rifle for Mule deer. I don't have an issue driving anywhere in the state to scout and hunt as needed, but I was hoping to avoid wasting time and money just guessing at where to go. I have done alot of research on line and have some general ideas on where to start, but I was hoping for some help from experienced hunters in this state. As I stated before I have only been on the east side twice, and there is a lot of area to look at.
Thanks to all who have tried to help this Washington (newb) get back into hunting.
Keep the comments and suggestions comming.
So, let me get this straight... You already asked this question on these forums...didn't get the responses you were hoping for...so you asked again? Nice
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