CO GMU 4 Elk 1st Rifle Season

May 9, 2017
Colorado Springs, CO
Since No luck on Elk during the last 3 years of hunting 2nd Rifle Season in Western Colorado, this year I decided to try a different season. After researching lots of information and using goHunt INSIDER, we decided to apply for 1st Rifle Season (13-17 OCT 2018), GMU 4, Colorado. Based on the statistics from the INSIDER, we are at 100% chances of getting the tags, results should come out soon for Colorado. I absolutely feel the pressure now because I have a few Army friends coming up from TX to hunt Elk for their first time. Since I manage to motivate them enough to take the trip up here; I really want to show them a great hunting experience and if we get to tag a bull, that would just be the icing on the cake.

We are planning on hunting near/around Bears Ears Peak, Northeast from Craig, CO. I have used Google Maps and OnXMaps to further research the area. Also found a few YouTube videos of other hunters hunting that same area we are going into. I know this area has many roads and trails and we cannot really be like 3 or 4 miles away from motorized roads. I will also visit the area for camping as time gets closer.

I’m just looking for any tips or advise from other hunters who have firsthand knowledge of this GMU or area around Bears Ears Peak. If you were successful, maybe a pic or two of the bull or cow so I can stay motivated and keep thinking I made the right decision by changing GMUs to something totally different and a new type of season. If you do not want to share details here, you can PM me any specific info or email me (PM me and I will provide email). Thanks in advance for your time and for sharing info.

I have not hunted that area in a long while. Lots of elk. Lots of people hunting elk. Elk would head off the forest, going low to the private ground below, after the first few shots opening morning.

Good luck!
4 gets a ton of pressure. But that's hunting in CO. I do believe 1st rifle is slightly better than 2nd, but just for the first day and a half as the elk are caught off guard.

You're on the right track with you hunting plan. I would set up an ambush point in a natural funnel, right on the border of public/private.

Regarding switching units, I would avoid doing that. You have three years into a unit and at that point your probably know what the elk do. Is what it is now though. Learn what you can and have fun. Just remember CPW wouldn't give out the number of tags they do if success rates were high.
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Also, regarding the bears ears area, I'm not going to tell you where to go, but remember those elk come off black mountain area and head west and SW to the private sage/oak brush hills. Ambush appropriately:)
Beyond echoing the relevancy of ishootdasmallone's commentary :) - just FYI that this tag is showing point creep. It's the same tag I have my buddy's get (we don't hunt unit 4, but our unit is in the same tag group).

Number of tags that have gone to second choice (out of 1300 total tags):

2017 = 50
2016 = 100
2015 = 300

So - historically a 100% draw as 1st choice with 0 points, but just barely as of late. Who knows what this years application changes will do. Probably still close to 100%, but not necessarily 100%. Not attempting to worry you (we are biting our nails on this one, too) but just saying - having a backup unit/season might be a good call.
FYI: Tags received for CO GMU 4 Elk 1st Rifle Season. Exited and doing more research... - ColoradoHunter719

Nice! We had a sigh of relief when my buddy's drew as well. First time we've had to sweat the tags (they have 0 points). NR 0 points was 50% this year, Resident was 98%, but still 11 unhappy campers.

I didn't notice they had cut 200 tags from this hunt either until I saw the recap.

Good luck!!
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