Caribou Gear

Bear hunting Montana...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I know all you guys read the Last line first so I'll spill the beans in the Front to let everyone know I didn't get a Montana Bear. Here's my story.

With my Fall being booked with a New Moosie Addition to the family I wanted to do something in the Spring. A great friend Greenhorn has always laid an Open invitation to come hunt bears with him in the spring so I cashed in on it this year.

Thursday Night before I left I hadn't even began to pack yet. After Doing some last min Erands At 11PM I started. The first on the Adgenda was to find my bear tag. Long story short at Midnight it was found. Packing started and my 6AM wake up for work was early. 10AM left for Montana and 7 hours later I was Throwing on Camo pants and Driving to the hills with 3 other guys. (Greeny's huntoing bud had a Friend from Back east hunting with him).

We spotted a Bear after hiking to the Destination and within 20 mins found another one. Daylight was running out so Me and Hillbilly flipped a Coin and he won. (Note I'm not bitter, Hillbilly is just what this guy was. An Awesome coon houndsman with an Accent full of Coon stories and Howthe Girls like the Guys with Dog box's and Pickups ;) ) Greeny and I watched them headout across the Canyon and right were they were going through was Bear #3. They walked <80 yards by it and never saw it. Then they Busted Bear 2 and Bear 3 saw and Busted them. Unfortunately it was Truely a Friday the 13th. My fingers are crossed they did well today !!!

This is the Part of Hunting Montana That I find the Hardest. It's not the 7 hour drive, It's not the $ I shell out, or the Miles I put on the Boots, but the Lack of Sleep. 12:30 came around and we had a 4:30 Wakeup call. I had to bow out of the Conversation with Beer bottles Strung accross the table. I hit the bed and was looking foward to the 4 hours of sleep. Fortunately Greeny let me sleep in a little and trust me, the Extra 7 mins REALLY helped ;)

4:45AM we were on the road and heading to spot 2. We spotted a sow and cubs and then headed home. We got to talk to the family and Friends that were at his house then hit the Road again. We hiked in 7 miles with Backpacks. Now, trust me, My backpack was a Fullsize backpack with camcorder, rifle, jackets, knife, Etc but didn't wiegh 1/2 what Greeny's did. It's always funny being in the hills with him and Him opening his Pouch saying something like "OHH, I didn't remember I had 3 extra cans of "POP" with me", or , "OHH yah, Here is the Gas cook grill I was looking for"... ;)

I spotted the 1st bear and Greeny spotted the 2nd bear. I was 24 hours into the Hunt and Had seen 9 bears already. Of course this doesn't count the moose, elk and deer too. I was Content to Go shoot the Bear we found but Greeny Said we should check out another "park". I never regretted leaving them there and We headed for Higher country. We left the bears and Headed up the canyon.

My legs were no match for the Crotch ridden snowdrift's that still aren't melted in the Montana Hills this time of the year but I pushed on with Greeny encouraging me all the time with Words like "wussy" "fatty" and "Gay midget leg queer". (OK, He never called me any of those but I felt like one :p ). We got to our destination and it wasn't as we hoped. With 1 hour left of dailight I had One shot to get my bear and Greeny said we could make it so I pushed. We dashed back to the opening that we saw our last bear in and with the wind perfect enought time left, the bear just wasn't there. We looked for the remaining few mins of light...

Sitting 8 miles from the Truck after busting snowdrifts, long hikes, and Little sleep, I could only be thankfull to be in such a Great place with such a Great guy. A beverage was Cracked open :eek: And we gave thanx to a GREAT HUNT !!

We did Make it out by 1AM with many a Stories and Laughs along the way and 7:30 did Come early this morning. But I'm home now thinking how I'm going to scrape my coin together for next spring ;)
Great story Moose, even without a bear to bring home. Once again it appears you worked hard on your hunt and brought home lots of great memories. You have a good friend in MT.
sounds like a great trip to me! Glad you had fun. i wish Colorado would let us hunt bears in the spring.
post some pics moosie

Would you believe me that I didnt take a single picture ? I did get some Video of the bears, but only from a Far distance. But they are pretty black dots and I'll upload some later :p

As we were "running" (I do mean running) with our Backpacks on to make it back to the one bear we spotted before dark, I was thinknig that would make good footage.... But time was against us and there wasn't anytime for pics. Although the one corner I missed and Fell down I was wondering if I should be walking instead ;)

You have a good friend in MT.

He's OK for a Montana Homo ;)

Sometimes those weekend trips can be hard on the liver.

trust me, My liver wasn't put to the test. I can Handle 1 or 2 beers. Although those guys drank more....... and were in better shape, Maybe I should start drinking more... :confused:
Sorry to hear you didn't connect with a bear. But sounds like you connected with a few beers, and if I know Greeny you got a few spicy weenies too....... hump hump

I hope you didn't forget to give him that big wet one from me. :D
Moosie, I thought you were just a masterbaiter, how come you never put in for the spring controlled hunts here in ID, if you want a spot and stalk hunt with seeing lots of bears.
Sorry to hear you didn't connect with a bear.

No worries, I could have killed a Bear. Anyone that Hunts Montana and Can't kill any ol' bear in an Afternoon must be a Dope smoker ;) We was 9 in like a 24 hour period.

We did bring your Name up Wylee. And how bad is it that we get out at 1AM and are too woreout to stop in the Booby bar. Although it was nice to see Greeny tiered for a Change ;)

Gato, for the last 9 years I've put in for the Idaho Slam. If you put in for one of those, you can't put in for ANY other Big game. Moose and Sheep are now done, Once I draw my Final Goat tag, I'll start putting in for Bear, elk, and deer. till them I legally can't. I know the Draw areas have Awesome spot and Stalk but do the General seasons here ? that being said, I like being a Master Baiter.....
Gato and Moosie, Those controlled spring bear hunts can be great for spotting and stalking! Fantastic hunts with lots of bears to watch. I haven't applied for a few years due to business pressures and conflicts with turkey season (My priority) , but last time I got a permit I was seeing bears every day and some good ones, too. Nothing bigger than one I already have, so I let them go, but they would have made great trophies for just about anyone. I'm talking about boars in the 225-275 lb. range, one was maybe even 300 lbs. Not bad at all for spring weights. I went after the 300 pounder for a closer look but he scented me when the wind swirled and got out of there fast (picked up my scent from about 600 yards away).

There are still some good open areas to combine turkey hunting with bears in the afternoon. One time we got two gobblers in the morning and a good bear that evening. Killer hunts, though. Up way before dawn for the turkeys and not back 'til after dark for the bears. I can't take it anymore like I used to be able to! :D

Not uncommon to get a few pounds of mushrooms a day, either. A buddy was in that area last week and picked ten pounds of morels in a half day! They're selling for $22 a pound in Boise now. Some of the ones he got were 6 inches tall! Lots of rain is making some great mushrooms this year!
Did greenhorn fart on your face and call you a fat ass like i asked him too?
Was a very fun weekend. Hit 3 places in 2 days and saw multiple bears each time.

Schmalts, I farted in his face several times but didn't call him a fat ass.

My fault he didn't get a bear, with about 2 hrs left in his hunt we walked away from two bears that just weren't real big, one was decent, but probably 5.5' tops, the other 5' at best and skinny.

We were also nice to the other hunter we were with (from Missouri). Althought it was my call as it was one of my hunting places, I thought it would be fairest to flip for the stalk. Oscar flipped a coin and lost.. still fun to watch though. The other hunter spent 4 days hunting, probably saw about 20 bears, made several stalks (3 on very nice bears), but in the end didn't connect either. During the stalk they did while Oscar and I watched, they were within 80 yards of 3 different bears, and there was a 4th bear about 300 yards from them.. all adult bears. Tough country to get on the animals though, and they didn't see them while so close. When we met up with them later, they were not happy to hear they had so many close encounters and didn't even know it.

A tent and 3 days in the last place we tried would be a bear hunt to do.. maybe next year, impracticle to hunt one day back that far in, but very good area with bears that die of old age and come out very early to feed because they don't get hunted.

I'm in Alabama now, spotted some deer before landing in Huntsville..
Greenhorn said:
Was a very fun weekend. Hit 3 places in 2 days and saw multiple bears each time.

Schmalts, I farted in his face several times but didn't call him a fat ass.

I'm in Alabama now, spotted some deer before landing in Huntsville..
Thanks, i hope he enjoyed it.
What the hell is in AL? besides my parents..
More important details..

Oscar also found out to never unwrap breakfast burritos before nuking (and purchasing) them at our local gas station... and not to joke with the local gas station babe (i.e. formula 509).

My son thinks Oscar is cool. I think he's about as fun as they get when it comes to somebody to go hunting with. Too bad I didn't get video of him getting "stuck" in the snow. That was good stuff..
Greeny was a Farting machine. I even walked in front of him and He'd Sprint in front of Me when he had to Let go. Thats a True friend ;)

Moosie, I hope Greenhorn rand your butt into the graound like you did mine!

Either thats some sort of Wierd Florida thing or you misspelled a Few words ;)

I'd like to say He didn't... but he did. Although Either he was "PLAYING" tiered in the AM or he might have got a little tiered too. The difference was, I couldn't have done it again the next day and I think he could have. And although I'm ready today to make the 14+ mile hike I'm still a days drive away...

Greenhorn, I don't think any of Montanan's got my jokes. I'll work on them before next time. I do like that the Store clerk @1:30 in the morning warned you about the sour milk but let me drink it. ;)

My son thinks Oscar is cool.

What he means by that is His Wife ;)

Be good in AL, learn lots !!

ANYONE else in Montana Killing bears ?
PS< It wasn't the Snow that I got stuck into, It was a woven mess of Sticks covered in Snow. I slipped in with One foot sideways and Went to my Nut sack...... I couldn't get out unless I did some sort of Ninja Move twist with my foot.....,, I had t Dump the Backpack and Roll over to get out. Of course Greeny wasn't going to stop until I cried like a Baby for a min and he did nothing but laugh at me ;)
Well it sounds like you both had a good hunt and you both will remember it for life. That's always better then a quick hunt, that last only a few hours. And its more fun when the hunt is harder for one person more then the other.There are more laughs. And there is a deeper bond of friendship and respect for one another. Moosie If you could have sucked it up your nuts wouldn't have been in the snow lol. Just Kidding Thanks for sharing the hunt.
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