Caribou Gear

another checking in


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Auburn, Washington
Hello, I heard of this site from another forum, and like the fact you guys talk more than just hunting, the firside is a good spot.

Looks like a fun bunch runnin' around here.
Welcome aboard Turkeynut... :)

I'm glad you finally made it here... :D

Got any stories or pics?
We won't hold it against you if you know ElkChsr ;)

Like elkcsr said, Welcome aboard. This time of year there is not much hunting going on so the fireside is agreat place... Later in the year ... watch out !!!! We do some Amage control to the Wildlife population around the globe !!!!!
Well we both lived/live in the same area and understand that it stinks for the most part especially for someone who likes to kill their own meat. Get a lot of nasty looks when you where camo around here.

But I'll try on the pix thing and I got some stories but I'm kind of a retard when it come to these friggin' computers.

ElkChsr where at in MT.? I got a buddy who know lives in Kalispell and would never come back here? I've hunted around Missoula and up in both of the "Belt" ranges once. Lovely place....cold but nice.
At present I live about 100 miles east of Missoula

I know exactly what your saying about getting dirty looks out there while wearing camo...

Just like your buddy, I'd never go back except to visit, and even then it's as short a visit as I can get away with... :)
Turkeynut... Welcome. What part of Washington are you from? I'm guessing since you get dirty looks when wearing camo you must be living in the Seattle area?? I live out on the coast and, for some, camo is everyday attire. No dirty looks either!

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