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Ammo remains scarce

I'll stay out of the political BS, but I need a can of H4831, and Rel.#7, and was told at BiMart that they can't even get powder. I can't sight in my rifles for fear of not having enough ammo to hunt with next year, and have relied on my hand-loads for too many years to buy factory ammo again. Ugh.
My best advice is to give a list to relatives and friends in different cities and states to check when they are at a place with ammo. I found everything I wanted within 3 weeks. Shipping isn't that bad snail mail, you pay a little more but ya get what you want. ;)

I actually just told friends I couldn't find ammo for my new guns I bought and they did it on their own. There still are some good people out there. :D
Sportmans here in Colorado Springs is slowing getting there rifle inventory up. Still hit and miss but much better than it has been. Can't find any 9mm tho Except an occasional very high end box

What do you consider high end? It seems .40 cal is around a lot more than 9mm. My suppliers show quite a bit of it.
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We're starting to see plenty of common stuff in .223, 9mm, .40, .45, etc. .22 is impossible. I secured an ample amount of all of them about 6-12 months ago so my contribution to the shortage has stopped, lol!
Up here in the tundra most ammo is getting easier to procure, .223, .45, .40, 9 mm is everywhere and getting close to reasonable. Finding .22 is next to impossible and oddly so is .243?
I stopped at a Bass Pro today looking for new shoes and found they got a shipment of ammo in.They must of had 20,000 rounds of 22.I got my limit of 250 rounds. After buying my new shoes ,I went back looking for 10 gauge turkey loads and seen every 22 was gone already. about an hour, At least I got enough for me and my grandkids to practice with.

They had no rifle brass and only had three pounds of powder total. That is just crazy.
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The real reason is because after the "scare" of more gun (and ammo) control laws, supplies sold out quickly.
When regular shooters went to their LGS to grab a box or two for an afternoon of plinking, they found none, and the idea set in;
"I can't even find .22".
This was quickly followed by the idea;
"the next time I see it, I will stock up".
The next time they did find .22, instead of a couple of box's, they started buying 5 or 6 bricks. About 10 million people trying to buy a five year supply, and suddenly we have a year long ammo shortage.

I was one of the people who never keep more than a few hundred round on hand, but now I keep ten times that. I have been able to "stock up" but it took a while to do it.
If you want a stockpile of rimfire on hand, I can tell you what worked for me.

First, realize that even if you find it at a reasonable price $20-$30 a brick (500 round box) , you will have to pay shipping, and that can run $15 to $20 a brick, so figure the end price will be $40-$50 a brick.
That's high, but it's not outrageous.

Pick a half dozen on line "shooting supply" retailers that you trust, and go bookmark there "rimfire ammo" page, register with them as a "regular shopper" so they have your name, address and credit card number on file, it speeds things up, plus many of them will send you an E-mail when they get what you want it stock.
Start checking (at least) several times daily. I was off work for three months, and I was checking five places half a dozen times every day. Know what you want and what you will pay, and when you see it (sooner or later you will see it) buy it IMMEDIATELY. Do not put it in your cart and continue shopping because it will be sold out by the time you checkout.
The other thing you can do is find out when you local Walmart/Dicks/Sprots Auth, Ect..) get in shipments, and be there an hour early to wait in line with a dozen guys who are buying to resell at gun shows for 5 times the price. I tried that a few times and it's not worth my time.
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Another reason for the shortage is there has been a huge increase in the amount of new gun owners. Everyone under the sun all the sudden wanted to buy an AR or CC pistol. So what good is buying a gun if you do not have ammo? When the whole ball started rolling right after Sandy hook I saw the pattern and luckily I reacted. I noticed that all the .223, 7.62, and handgun ammo was selling out but .22LR was sitting on the shelf. It came to me that when all the centerfire handgun ammo was extinct the regular club and league shooters who shoot all the time were probably going to run out, or ration the centerfire ammo and switch to shooting the cheap rimfire that was sitting on the shelf. Guess what, it happened. For the first time ever the gun club I am a member at had to consider capping membership because every month new applications were at alarming levels. We built a new pistol range and even with cold weather it is full. It may sound good for the club to have new members but damn, even though because of all the new membership dues we are sitting on half a million in cash we worry about safety. These newbs that come to shoot are a little scary and we considered having to hire a full time range cop just to point out bad gun safety and kick guys out who do not adhere to range rules.
What do you consider high end? It seems .40 cal is around a lot more than 9mm. My suppliers show quite a bit of it.

I don't know if it's truly "high end". I'm new to handguns. It's what I consider high cost. I think I paid $40 for a box of 50 (9mm) when I bought the gun. Ehh a tid pricey to me but needed some for the Christmas gun. Only thing on the shelf since has been self defense small boxes. Not worth price for target shooting for sure. Pick up 250 rounds at the gun show for $79 today so we shall see how it goes. For targets it's a much better price and amount
I assume you have more.

I don't go through 100 rounds a year. I'm not prepping for anything either.
It's pretty easy to plink through a lot of 22s when practicing. My son and I probably go through 50 when we go shoot paper. I buy them in 500 round boxes - a pretty standard size box.

Ask the store help what day they get the ammo in.

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