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AAAAAUUuuuuuuuuuu.. Boom!
Did you take that footage? Pretty cool.
Yes-Sir jsut some quick footage I took.... I was Going to leave the gunshot in but I figured if I left proof I'd be in t~wouble. ;)

Seriusly though, I was going to add a gunshot to be funny and then crop in a picture of a dead wolf from our canada poster but there are alot of people that like wolves and might turn me in even if they knew I had edited it. Some people go above and beyond the boards sometimes.....

And,,,, Fish and Game aren't a force to be mesing with, they usually have Egos Far exceeding their badge ;)

Although I don't like wolfes, and would rather them be gone then here, there was still plenty of game in the canyons there were wolves in to be honest though.

Canada can keep their stupid big dogs
COOL Stuff man!

I bet that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck though!

(egos exceeding thier badges)
hehehe, we have those too.
(I almost got shot a few weeks ago going into my hoouse after the a national guard was about 15 minutes before the cerfew started for the evening)
Cool video. Defineatly look to be wolves and not feral dogs......I've heard they taste like chicken.