Yeti GOBOX Collection

4 for 4 archery elk. Not sure how to feel

Enjoy the meat, the hunt, and the animal. Not the one you thought he was, but that takes nothing away from that fine bull anyway. Any animal with a bow is a fine animal. He should eat very well and provide lots of fine meals.
He's going to be taste delicious just because you were able to cool down the meat so fast having that weather! I understand where you are coming from. You have the one you want right in front of you, the one you've been chasing, and a little switch with out you knowing you shoot what you think is your bull of the season and it's different one. It's normal to feel the way you are just based of the expectations you had with the one you were after. If you knew you were shooting a different one you wouldn't be feeling this way. Don't keep yourself down and out. Time to start day dreaming about next season because that bull you were after is going to be even bigger now, and you have a delicious elk to eat while you think of next season.
LMD, you're right. I'm just having a pitty party for not paying enough attention. I am extremely proud of the bull and happy to have gotten another years worth of meat for my wife and I and the rest of my family. Time for me to get over myself and grow up, eh? Hope you all fill your tags and more importantly your freezers!

Thanks and cool looking bull big congrats from us .
I'd give my right nut to shoot a bull. I am the cow killer in my posse. I keep telling myself its this season that I find a bull to kill......I lost one last year to a sub par shot and relive that shitty day every day since then, hoping no bad juju comes from that lost opportunity last year.

If I was you I would be tickled with the 1st...and each one after that regardless of the antler size. All I can offer is to tap the brakes on the trigger finger next season and get picky lol
Congratulations Zach!

I've done something similar with a deer. It didn't feel good. But dude 4 for 4 on archery elk!? What's done is done, so enjoy it, learn from it for future years, and be proud!
Congratulations Zach!

I've done something similar with a deer. It didn't feel good. But dude 4 for 4 on archery elk!? What's done is done, so enjoy it, learn from it for future years, and be proud!

Thank you Nameless. I have really taken all the words of wisdom from you guys to heart.

PS. Wanna come hunting with me? ;) I seem to have good luck.

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