Search results

  1. Jaquomo

    Public land access through Carbon offsets?

    Everyone should be required to watch Micharl Moore's film, "Planet of the Humans" to get a glimpse into just how massive of a shell game it truly is....
  2. Jaquomo

    Public land access through Carbon offsets?

    How much carbon offset is offset by the biofuel harvesting and burning industry? It all does seem like a total feel-good shell game.
  3. Jaquomo

    Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

    Taking my new bride out to hunt some freezer-filler does for our honeymoon. She's all geeked up and ready to throw-down with her Tikka .308. I'm staying out of the way. Somebody text me if the Republic collapses while we're gone...
  4. Jaquomo

    Protesters/Rioters? Storm Capital

    Let's revisit this thread in another month or so when the "mostly peaceful" riots resume after charges against the officers are dismissed in the George Floyd fentanyl overdose case...
  5. Jaquomo

    How often do you see elk?

    In the low-success/big bull unit I bowhunt now, sometimes only every 4-5 days. Sometimes less. But much of that is due to the thick heavy timber with a ton of beetle kill deadfall, and the increasing behavior of bulls rarely bugling in daylight. In the more open country I used to hunt...
  6. Jaquomo

    Haaland nominated to lead Interior

    That was one appointment who conflicted with Trump's stated position on not selling or transferring public lands. Once in, he put his personal feelings aside and followed Trump's agenda.
  7. Jaquomo

    Haaland nominated to lead Interior

    Cabinet appointees are all about enabling political agendas, not qualifications. One good thing is that Interior is now likely to relist wolves, which will throw a wrench in the cogs of the awful Colorado wolf-forcing initiative that divided the state right down the middle.
  8. Jaquomo

    Jaquomo's new year resolution on hunttalk

    Thanks! Lot of friends on hunttalk, figured I could annoy them here too!
  9. Jaquomo

    Ice fish, baby!

    Wife has been out fishing me this year. Her second season ice fishing, I've been doing it since I was a tyke, and a very $uccessful tournament fisher. Go figure!
  10. Jaquomo

    Jaquomo's new year resolution on hunttalk

    As a longtime lurker, my resolution is to participate on this forum in 2021. I've been hunting big game for over 50 years, mostly archery (trad, now compound as I get older) was a feature writer for bowhunting magazines, now retired and living in the N. CO mountains. I'm an internet expert on...