Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. B

    Have you contacted your senator lately?

    Larry Craig has always stood for the 2nd Amendment.
  2. B

    Got ROBBED !!!!

    Send the truck home with an employee. Bob
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    Zumbo is history

    I'm thinkin' jose is a troll. Not sure, but thinkin'. Bob
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    Hunterman's in the Hospital

    Glad to hear that all went well. I think having your chest cracked open has got to hurt. Bob
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    Hunterman's in the Hospital

    Best Wishes Hunterman. Bob
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    NRA, YEH or NEY ?

    Do you own a rifle? Do you want to keep it? The NRA is the biggest and strongest ally you have. Bob
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    Spine Shot

    :) No brow tines= die before you breed ;)
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    Spine Shot

    Thanks SureShot, for fixing that. That was a cull buck my buddy shot, and landed like that. Guess the shock from being hit in the spine caused some covulsions. Or as Moosie would say, convolutions. Bob
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    Spine Shot

    Those are supposed to be pics. Damn.
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    Spine Shot

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    Got Chronograph!

    cool! let us know how you like it. Bob
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    Big Pig...

    I just gotta call foul ball. No wild pig can get that big. Bob
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    Good things come to those that wait.....

    What cool kid! Congrats to mama and papa for doing a good job of parenting. Bob
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    Wolf dogs kill local women

    I saw some of those yesterday. Big critters. Ugly too, at least the one that charged the fence. here is a link for those who care
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    Home improvement

    Keeps you out of the pool hall. Bob
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    Hey Del The Zone is down

    What zone? Bob
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    A simple question

    I don't even like flashlight electricity. Good luck. Bob
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    Prayer for my Dad

    A prayer sent. May God Bless you all in this time of pain. Bob
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    Modern robot bartender (not for liberals).

    I think jealosy crept in here. Bob