went on our annual trip and went 4 for 4, a couple decent bucks one my dad was happy with and a meat buck. Good times with family and friends.
25" forky or a 4x2hump
Buddies 28"5x5
Now we are winding down from a great year for many in the deer woods, curious where and how you keep your trophies and the not so trophies of your hunting success.My wife always asks what Im gonna do when I run out of 2x4s to hang my horns? My reply is (I will worry about that when and if the...
Went on my annual trip with my folks to Wyoming and made quick work of it.We were tagged out on the first day.Temps were warming up and the price of fuel was tough but we had a blast for the short time we were there.Now its wait till next November.
hump :D hump :D hump :D
Weve been out conditioning our horses for the upcoming hunting year(and its a good exuse to go camping as well)Lets see you hunting mounts ;)
After a good ride in the AM it was time to refresh and get ready for the PM ride.(actually this is how I get conditioned for the days in camphump ;)
Went back to the spot where I found the 3 skulls last week and cleaned up on white sheds.No fresh sheds to be had today.Oh well, now theres more room for the freshies to land for easy pickins:D :D :D
The only bad thing is I forgot the dig camera and didnt get any ATL pics|oo |oo |oo
Founds some good Blacktail sheds and 3 skulls in one big canyon.One looked to be a lion kill and the others were older so no clue.One is a dandy 5x5hump hump hump
Went to a spot we hit every year to help the farmers out with a little vermin exterminatin.
Weapon of choice for me is the awsome .204
Partner likes to use his .223
The kids get to use the 17hmr...
We spent some 7 hours in one field and put down some 200 of these little alfalfa munchin...
A Friend of mine found this skull in Arizona while hunting,not a shed but interesting anyway.Broadhead must have cut the tounge and he starved to death.
Went out to my new hot spot and cleaned up on the old white ones to make way for all the fresh ones some day.Found a couple matching sets,one set was really good for the deer in the area and the other a typical small set for a blacktail.Found one fresh 4 point and walked my butt off looking for...
Ive had this shed for awhile now,found it in eastern Oregon during a deer hunt in an area that had alot of non-typical genetics(a 4x6 i killed up there had 3 eye guards per side).Anyone have a unique shed they have found with multiple points at the base like this??
Went out to a new spot today and pick up some whities and a couple fresh sheds.Some bucks still packing, I will probably wait till March to make sure they are all shedded out before I go back.
Pic of one still packing
Anyone here have horses???? and what horse would make a good trail,hunting horse(wilderness,shed hunting and all around trail riding)
Getting back into horses and would like your input on how you like your horses and how they work for your type of hunting and outdoor use(post a pic if you have...
Anyone here have horses???? and what horse would make a good trail,hunting horse(wilderness,shed hunting and all around trail riding)
Getting back into horses and would like your imput on how you like your horses and how they work for your type of hunting and outdoor use(post a pic if you have...
Found these today at work(I work as a rangemaster/weapons instructor at a prison).We have had 5 bucks hang around the rifle range all year and this is the first to drop.These are blacktail bucks and not the biggest bruisers in the woods but they are cool to have around.Kinda cool to watch them...