Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever
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  • I have a cabin in 93, about 20 miles north of Kemmerer. That unit is covered up in antelope - 90+% success rate on harvest. Lots of decent sized bucks as well. I typically see 100 or more when I drive through. I might consider renting out my cabin if you're interested.
    Thanks for the reply. My partner and I will have 9.5 points so we have been looking at a few units. We keep coming back to 93 so if things work out we will put in this year. I am scheduled for a knee replacement next month so if all goes well we will put in this year.
    If we draw, we will spend a few days scouting, maybe fish the Green or somewhere. Just want to get an idea about camping near where we would want to hunt, the roads etc. Thanks for the cabin offer, that might be the answer to several questions.
    I'll be in touch as we get closer to the draw.
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