Recent content by txhunter58

  1. T

    Meat Care

    I quarter and debone my elk chill it and try and get it to a cold storage facility for at least 24 hours to get it thouroughly chilled out. We then take it quartered in large "5 day ice" type coolers with dry ice (120 to 150 quart). I then have it processed after I get it home. Recently...
  2. T

    Ever have to fire someone ?

    Been there many times. Never fun.
  3. T

    Rocky Mt. Elk Foundation, yea or nay?

    We are just starting a chapter up in my community. Will hold a banquet this August. Sure, there are things about it that I don't agree with, but when 89 cents out of every dollar sent to the organization gets spent in the field on projects to help habitat, how can you go wrong even if you...
  4. T

    Bad Language post (Adults only) :

    There is no link, they removed his post. It was in Moosies post linked to here and told us all to f... off, then told how he was told about the incident from DK himself. I don't know who he is, just have some ideas from the abscence of certain people with other long time handles that haven't...
  5. T

    Bad Language post (Adults only) :

    Saw where he just got another post nuked on MM. After some expletives, it explained that he told this info by DK himself, and then did some research. With friends like that...... If you want to figure out who this guy is, just look for the absence of some promient MM posters that you would...

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