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TheTone's latest activity

  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to HappyCamper's post in the thread 2024 Sheds with Like Like.
    My spring bear opener got thrown off the rails after I stumbled into my first moose shed. Ended up putting in a bunch of miles and...
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to geetar's post in the thread Great Social Media posts? with Haha Haha.
    Favorite one this week.
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread Ones that got away.
    No pics but a bull I had inside 20 yards in 2013 still messes with my mind. Had him dead to rights and my arrow popped off the rest when...
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to geetar's post in the thread FILM act with Love Love.
    I care a lot less about their hardships incurred on the road to obtaining permission to film and a lot more about the guys who work blue...
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread FILM act.
    I guess people can make the choice not to be a professional hunter/filmer if the economics of it just don’t work out. Nothing will ever...
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread FILM act.
    So, if the cost to administer and issue the permits costs more than the permits why shouldn’t the solution be to increase the cost of...
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread 2024 Sheds.
    Sweet new butter knife
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to golfer's post in the thread 2024 Sheds with Like Like.
    Gotcha beat…
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to geetar's post in the thread FILM act with Like Like.
    If a lot of these film makers got priced out and had to get normal jobs I wouldn't see that as a terrible thing. I know you do some...
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to geetar's post in the thread FILM act with Like Like.
    They lost my membership renewal when Gray Thornton defended the obviously sub legal ram that Craig Boddington's wife shot.
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to Oak's post in the thread Really, Wyoming? with Like Like.
    Happens on hunting forums all the time. There’s a broad spectrum of people reading, but often the calculus is that it’s not worth being...
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread Free to Good Home.
    Beyond generous! Good on you
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread I give up.
    I hope you guys put the same level of skepticism into reports funded by dam interests that say how great the dams are and how low impact...
  • TheTone
    TheTone reacted to MTGomer's post in the thread Great Social Media posts? with Like Like.
    Providing thoughtful and intentional guidance to conscious consumers interested in exploring the act of aligning themselves and taking...
  • TheTone
    TheTone replied to the thread Really, Wyoming?.
    Geeze, it just keeps getting worse. Dudes going to have to change his name and move to the moon

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