Recent content by Fetchitup7

  1. F

    My 09 bird

    nice hooks on that one:hump:
  2. F

    Season Ender in WA

    Boy. . .that really does sound bad doesn't it;) I had a B/C scorer do the measurements so I could submit it for the WA record book (I think anything over 8 1/2 gets in the book.
  3. F

    Season Ender in WA

    I called in and took my biggest bird to date on the 2nd to last day of the WA season. Took over an hour to entice a small flock (2 hens and 3 big toms) to cross a creek and come my way, but when they did, it was an impressive sight with all 3 toms in full strut, gobbling their heads off! I...
  4. F

    Deer, Cows, Horses

    A man sits down in his plane seat and gets ready for his long flight. As the plane taxied, he taps the shoulder of the little girl next to him and says, "I've heard that time passes quickly when people talk on a plane; would you like to have a conversation?" The girl replies, "Sure; what would...
  5. F

    Spring is almost here....

    I received that same picture in an email a few months ago; was told that it was taken in Sask. Canada, but who the heck really knows. . .
  6. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    couple pics by request [/IMG] I caught this fish last fall on the Columbia; my biggest to date, 52 lbs with a 33 1/4" cirumference. [/IMG] I took my friends boy out last spring and put him on this jake in the Blue Mts near walla walla; he made a heck of a shot on this weary bird. A few hours...
  7. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    thanks for kind words; I was wonder what his problem was....... I've posted a few if you look up my thread on SE Whitetail and recently posted a pic on the varmint forum of a coyote i took last week that had severe sarcoptic mange; yuk... however, let me round up a couple recent pics and make...
  8. F

    Which state MT or AK

    If I was single I'd take AK in a hearbeat.. but my wife would have something to say about the long winters and the lack of accessable Starbucks:confused:
  9. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    Elk hunter, Let me clarify; I'm only a guide. I work for an Outfitter in NorthCentral WA. As far as I know, WA state does not issue "outfitter tags" like a lot of the other western states. We guide the general rifle season in Oct, the early archery/muzzleloader (sept) and late...
  10. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    Thanks Nut; good to know!!!
  11. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    Really? Why would that be. There has to be other hunting guides who use this site. I'm not trying to promote the business I work for, I'm just stating my opinion as a guide, a Widlife Biologist, and most importantly as a hunter. My point was that hunting the rut has to be managed on a very...
  12. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    lets try again. . . I'm a biologist and a guide here in WA. In my opinion, hunting the rut should be considered on a site by site basis and only after many factors have been considered. Here in WA we have a few units where mule deer can be hunted during the rut and most of them are...
  13. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    I just wrote a long reply, and it didn't post for some reason; this is a test before i do it again.:mad:
  14. F

    Bigger Deer?? Hunt the rut or Not

    many factors to think about besides "rut" please read below
  15. F

    Official Varmit pictorial

    42 lb Dog in Western WA [/IMG]
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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