Youth non resident questions


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
So after watching the newest YouTube from Randy I was thinking about getting my son in on the points game. He is 13 I am looking around Arizonas website but not really seeing what I am after. So

1. can I buy him just points without applying for a tag?
2. do I need to do this before February 9?
3. any tips for a guy new to this system?

thank you
At 13 he is a couple years behind already in Arizona. I'm pretty sure you can start at 10.

I'm pretty sure there is a points only option in the application process.

You need to do it by the application deadline.

Good luck. It isn't too hard. There are several states including Arizona that make building a few points for youth pretty inexpensive. An adult nonresident license is like $140 to be able to apply and a youth nonresident license is like $15 or so. I know in Colorado youth build points for free and adults have to pay for them. I think the nonresident license in Nevada is pretty cheap too.
Ditto above.

AZ NR youth license is $5, each point is a $15 application fee. You can start accumulating points at 10 years old. Arizona's online portal/license/draw system is awful, so leave yourself some time.
Ditto above.

AZ NR youth license is $5, each point is a $15 application fee. You can start accumulating points at 10 years old. Arizona's online portal/license/draw system is awful, so leave yourself some time.

Ugh. I thought it was going to be better with the portal and everything but I'm actually applying for the draw right now and I think it might have gotten worse. It has completely frozen up on me and I think I'm going to have to reboot my computer between each application for each applicant for each species to get it to work. And now I have to get the 2 factor authentication each time I log in. Fun times.
Same here. Have been buying points for my son (he’s 13 and has 3 points now) and struggled this year with the portal. Was very happy once done. As above, start the application as soon as possible.
You purchase a point through the draw, there is no option to buy a point later in the year. Put the point hunt choice as first option and leave the rest blank.
Recommend not just buying points but go on youth hunts. We have been to a deer camp hunt and elk camp hunt that you can find start of information in game book and they have been great. Game and Fish taught about species and volunteers made good food to eat. A guide went with us on mule deer hunt. We drew tag 595 of 600 the first year for elk. Practice target accusion before hunt as that is most come problem kids have. We use a 3 leg shooting trigger stick by primos and very easy to adjust quick. Put a few election signs out at different ranges and angles. Practice by calling out a sign and have them get set up and shoot then call another.
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