What're you doing on rigs who's manual says "no chains up front"?

I hear good things about those snow socks. Helps a ton with float and even helpful on ice as long as your going slow. I might get a pair for Oh SH#% situations. I dont feel good about putting chains on the front of my new truck. those CV axels are just asking for a whoopin.
Yea, most. We dug a guy's land cruiser out once.....once. We were coming out from a ski tour and came across the guy spinning his wheels in a drift 100 yards in from the winter parking area. He didn't even have a shovel with him. The four of us got out our avalanche gear and shoveled him out only to watch him drive right back into the same drift and get stuck the exact same way while we were putting our skis back on. Needless to say we skied the last 100 yards to our truck and drove away. Don't know what happened but he either walked the 5 or 6 miles to the nearest house or the next party to pass shoveled him out. Mind boggling to say the least!
Did something similar once when coming back from skiing in my '72 FJ. It was drifting blowing sideways snow and I came up on this guy in a pick up. He decides to start goosing it to go fast? Me, I kept following closely knowing he would pile it up and he did. Lucky he didn't go off the side of the mountain. Idiot. Took mercy on him and pulled him out with a cable I carried. The fool did it again, that time I just kept going.
Never tried them out as normally when chains are required I turn on a ball game at home. I only chain in emergency's! But I have a set of cable for front and rear on my 2004 Explorer sport trac. Probably should put them on a try them just for grins. Been a lot of years since I was young enough and foolish enough to boldly go! These days I have studded snow tire's and so far they have worked 100% of the time I've felt I needed them. If I did need them, I would slow way down and pretty much crawl through whatever!
In 18 I needed to chain up my 2017 Rebel just to make to camp in the flattops. I didn't find out until after that trip that I was not supposed to put them on that truck. I now carry cables, which supposedly are allowed, but I haven't tried them yet.

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